Do You Think of Food As Good and Bad?

Do You Think of Food As Good and Bad?

When we've been in the diet world for some time, our brains become trained to think of food as good and bad. Broccoli? Good Cake? Bad Salad? Good Bread? Bad When we're working to stop dieting, it can be insanely challenging to train our brains to stop defaulting into...

Is Your Worth Determined By Your Size or The Scale?

Is Your Worth Determined By Your Size or The Scale?

Is your worth determined by your size or the number on the scale? So much of what we learn growing up is our worth is dependent on something: Being a certain size Having a specific body type The number on the scale Making a certain amount of money or a certain career...

When Eating What You Want Isn’t Working

When Eating What You Want Isn’t Working

I know I talk a lot about letting go of dieting and eating for satisfaction.  And I'm all about learning the whole "eat intuitively" and trying to figure out how to listen to what your body really needs and wants. But what happens when eating what you want just isn't...

Scared of Losing Control Around Food?

Scared of Losing Control Around Food?

Does it seem like despite your best intentions to stop dieting and be peaceful around food that you're still scared to let go of control? You may be afraid of gaining weight, bingeing for days on end, or that it'll trigger a spiral out of control. (BTW-this is a super...

What Does It Actually Mean To Eat Healthy?

What Does It Actually Mean To Eat Healthy?

Here's the thing: we talk about wanting to be healthy, but what does it actually mean to eat healthy? We learn so many things from society about what it's supposed to look like. We pick up ideas about good foods and bad foods, things we "should" eat, and what we...

Body Acceptance Like I’ve Never Explained It Before

Body Acceptance Like I’ve Never Explained It Before

What can give us some serious trouble on this path? Body acceptance. How on earth are you supposed to accept your body when you don't want to be where you are?! I'm talking body acceptance with a twist. Sometimes hearing a different explanation can make it click in a...

Are You Afraid You’re Doing Intuitive Eating Wrong?

Are You Afraid You’re Doing Intuitive Eating Wrong?

We can hit a point on this path (or along many points of this path!), where we fear being "behind". We convince ourselves that we've been working on this food thing or body acceptance thing for X months/years and we "should" be further along. The little whisper sneaks...

How To Feel In Control Around Food With The Stay At Home Order

How To Feel In Control Around Food With The Stay At Home Order

It can be incredibly challenging to find some "control" around food, especially during quarentine. We're all stuck at home and it can seem like the only thing to do is eat. So how do you feel in control around food during the stay at home order? Check out this episode...

Hi, I’m Jenn Hand

I’m an emotional eating and binge eating coach helping women stop the binge-restrict cycle, lose weight holistically, and experience food freedom!

CLICK HERE for coaching info>>




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