Rebelling Around Food

Rebelling Around Food

Download This Episode Are you feeling the pressure of “eating perfectly”? Or do you sometimes just want to say “screw it” and eat ice cream every night for dinner? Tune in for today’s episode where we talk about REBELLION (oooh that feels...
Getting Through That “Body Discomfort” Feeling

Getting Through That “Body Discomfort” Feeling

Written by Jenn Hand, Holistic Nutritionist, Board Certified Health Coach, NBC-HWC   It continues to amaze me just how many women (and men) struggle with some sort of weight issue, body distress, or eating struggle. I was discussing my business vision with a friend...

4 Helpful Hints to Deal with Discomfort

Last week’s blog discussed bringing awareness to all of the ways we use food to escape life’s uncomfortable feelings and situations. When we become mindful of how eating to ease stress, boredom, frustration, and anxiety can become a destructive habit in our...

The Uncomfortable Side of Life

So much of disordered eating is dealing with discomfort.  No matter where you are on the spectrum, from mild emotional eating to a full blown eating disorder, many of the obstacles and hurdles on this path involve being able to deal with uncomfortable feelings,...

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