How Do You Actually Accept Your Body?

We’ve been having a lot of discussion lately in The Normal Eater’s Club around body acceptance.  And some of the ladies have been asking, “but HOW do you actually accept your body?!” We know we’re supposed to work on body acceptance if we...

How Yoga Can Transform Your Relationship With Your Body

Years ago, the therapist I was seeing recommended I try yoga. “Ugh”, I thought. “Yoga is for hippies”. But I went. I went even though I was wrapped up in thinking about how many calories I would burn during class. I went even though I thought, “this isn’t REAL...

Grasping For Control

For so many women, the desire to exert strict control over our weight, body size, and food is all too common. We convince ourselves that reaching that magical number on the scale would allow us to finally have it all together.  Or that eating “perfectly” and adhering...

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