How To Have “Willpower” With Food

How To Have “Willpower” With Food

Written by Jenn Hand, Holistic Nutritionist, Board Certified Health Coach, NBC-HWC Wondering how to have “willpower” with food? In my 13 year battle of relentlessly starting and stopping 116 diets, I convinced myself that all I needed was more willpower. It’s not...

How Do You Actually Accept Your Body?

We’ve been having a lot of discussion lately in The Normal Eater’s Club around body acceptance.  And some of the ladies have been asking, “but HOW do you actually accept your body?!” We know we’re supposed to work on body acceptance if we...

Banish Your “Love” Affair with the Scale

I remember my obsessive affair with the scale.  Every morning, I would hop on the scale to weigh myself.  And every afternoon, I would weigh myself again after working out. If that number went up even a half a pound, it sent me into a self-induced panic.  Irrational...

Satisfaction From Within

I read some staggering statistics yesterday. 50% of commercials aimed at girls spoke about physical attractiveness. Each year, the average adolescent sees over 5,260 advertisements mentioning attractiveness. Four out of five women in the US are dissatisfied with their...

Compare and Despair

After ranting about a friend who seemed to “have it all”-the perfect life, great friends, a flawless figure, a fabulous mate, and a wonderful job, a wise mentor put her hand up to stop my blabbering and told me, “Never compare, or you’ll always despair”.  The more I...

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