Sometimes overeating can just be a habit that we need to break. If you find yourself turning to food out of sheer habit, this episode is for you 🙂
Here are two ways to break the habit of overeating!
Sometimes overeating can just be a habit that we need to break. If you find yourself turning to food out of sheer habit, this episode is for you 🙂
Here are two ways to break the habit of overeating!
I also just go looking in the cabinets for food when i come home from work. It’s like so normal for me. I even would eat my 2nd snack at work close to before coming home so I wouldn’t be tempted to go looking for food when I get home. But I still do it. And I’m not even hungry because I just ate! I would try to distract/transition myself by starting to prepare dinner so it’s ready when my husband gets home or folding laundry. But then my mind constantly is thinking but it’s there just eat it and I’ll say to myself but u r really not hungry and sometimes I’m able to stop, look away and continue on. But other times I just don’t have that control and i end up eating another snack when I really don’t need it and I keep my blood sugar up by eating every 2-3 hours throughout the day so it just brings me back to thinking there’s something wrong with me ?
Miriam! Nope, there’s nothing wrong with you 🙂 I wonder if the “don’t eat it” thought plays into the wanting to eat it (you know…the old diet tape of restricting makes us want the thing even more!). A helpful mantra I say to myself when I’ve been in the “don’t eat that” mode is “eat balanced, eat balanced, eat balanced”…it immediately shifts it from DON”T do that to a softer “how can I eat in a balanced way right now?”