So often in our weight struggles, we’re going to battle with food. We think we love food and convince ourselves that this food obsession is our biggest problem…that we just love Reese’s Cups, brownies, and ice cream waaaaay too much.

We tell ourselves that if we could just stop being so obsessed with food, our problems would be solved. We’d stop eating that 5th piece of cake and not ever have that internal battle around dessert after dinner. (Sound familiar? And yes, when I was knee-deep in my binge episodes, I desperately wanted to stop loving food so much)

But what if this actually wasn’t the case?

What if it’s not actually loving food too much that’s the problem?

(Granted, I do think our food struggles would be a little easier if we didn’t have all the junk food out there in our faces all the time, but…such is life. We’ve got to find a middle ground…and that’s a blog post for another day 🙂 )

So if it’s not food that’s our biggest problem, what is? Watch today’s blog to find out 🙂