3 Tips to Help When You’re Critical of a Bathing Suit Picture

3 Tips to Help When You’re Critical of a Bathing Suit Picture

I just got back from a week with my extended family in the Outer Banks and was in a bathing suit much of the week. Now, as you know from my blog and podcasts, I've done A LOT of work on body image over the years. The one thing that can still trip me up?! Seeing myself...

When You Fear Comments About Your Weight

When You Fear Comments About Your Weight

Fear of weight comments can pop up at the most inconvenient times. You're going to a party with friends you haven't seen in a while and get bogged down in anxiety about what they'll think. You have a family event with that one person who ALWAYS makes a comment and you...

Does It Feel Easier to Eat than to Deal with Life?

Does It Feel Easier to Eat than to Deal with Life?

Life has thrown a lot of curveballs at me this last week and I sat down on the couch yesterday and thought... ...I REALLY want a gooey, soft, warm chocolate chip cookie or 4. Our AC unit stopped working (a 7k fix), the dishwasher broke, our Airbnb had the garage...

When You Feel Exhausted Thinking About Food

When You Feel Exhausted Thinking About Food

You know when you just feel plain exhausted thinking about food? Maybe it's the fears of weight gain and anxieties of the food battle (what you should/shouldn't eat). Or it's the criticism of yourself and how you're not "getting" it fast enough. Maybe it's the stress...

What About the Failures?

What About the Failures?

Last night, a close friend and I were talking about "failures". Namely, our business ventures that flopped big time and how no one seems to talk about them. You hear of the "big wins" in the media--how someone went from a side hustle to making 100k or about a new...

An Example of Normal Eating

An Example of Normal Eating

I remember when I first began this journey, I wanted to know what/how normal people ate. I simply couldn't believe anyone who actually ate real food  (i.e. wasn't on a diet) could lose/maintain a "normal" size. I had been practicing the "less is more" habit for years...

“I’ve Gained Weight and I Feel Like a Failure”

“I’ve Gained Weight and I Feel Like a Failure”

Women often say to me (sometimes ashamed and embarrassed)... "I've gained weight and I feel like a failure". In some form, I hear these words frequently. I thought these same words thousands of times in my journey. "Everyone must think I'm a failure because I've...

Hi, I’m Jenn Hand

I’m an emotional eating and binge eating coach helping women stop the binge-restrict cycle, lose weight holistically, and experience food freedom!

CLICK HERE for coaching info>>