Should You Give In To a Craving? (Here’s What To Do!)

Should You Give In To a Craving? (Here’s What To Do!)

Ok, here's the million dollar question...when you have a desire for something you don't think you "should" eat, should you give in to a craving or just ignore it?   When I was trying to stop dieting, I wrestled with serious dessert cravings. I often would have...

Confused Over the Right Way to Eat?

Confused Over the Right Way to Eat?

It's easy to be confused over the right way to eat. There are approximately 3,456,878 articles on google talking about what's "good", what you're "supposed" to eat/not eat, and research supporting each claim. (And every one seems believable!) Every "expert" says...

When You Want To Hide Your Body (And Feel Ashamed of Your Weight)

When You Want To Hide Your Body (And Feel Ashamed of Your Weight)

Written by Jenn Hand, Holistic Nutritionist, Board Certified Health Coach, NBC-HWC Do you feel shame and/or want to hide your body? I’ve been talking a lot lately about shame around our bodies and how we, as women, want to hide our bodies. We often carry this...

How to Overcome Fear of Gaining Weight

How to Overcome Fear of Gaining Weight

Whether you’re new to learning how to eat normally or have been on this path for years, inevitably the fear will arise: what if I gain weight? Typically, when we’re focused on dieting it can seem to give us a sense of control around food. We feel “safe” knowing we are following something.

How to Know When to Stop Eating

How to Know When to Stop Eating

When we are trying to let go of dieting and be more "normal" around food, it can be verrrrry challenging to know when to stop eating. Are you supposed to listen to your body? Measure or count something? Get specific portions? When we're left with just ourselves...

Does the Scale (or Mirror) Ruin Your Day? 4 Thing to Help!

Does the Scale (or Mirror) Ruin Your Day? 4 Thing to Help!

Have you ever gotten on the scale or glanced at your reflection in the mirror and have it completely ruin your day? Maybe you've had a few days where you feel pretty good and decide to "check in" on your progress. One glance or hop on the scale and BAM, it sends us...

What’s Your Relationship to Exercise?

What’s Your Relationship to Exercise?

A quick check in question: what's your relationship to exercise? For some women, exercise can mimic the diet mentality. (AKA the all or nothing type of thinking) Some women are in the "excessive, use it to burn something off, to not feel guilty" place with exercise. ...

3 Tips to Let Go of Holiday Food Guilt

3 Tips to Let Go of Holiday Food Guilt

It is hard to let go of holiday food guilt. We have it in our heads that we have to be really "good" around food. But enter the holiday Trifecta of dessert overload and it can be challenging: Halloween + Thanksgiving + December holidays = lots of sweets. I went to...

Hi, I’m Jenn Hand

I’m an emotional eating and binge eating coach helping women stop the binge-restrict cycle, lose weight holistically, and experience food freedom!

CLICK HERE for coaching info>>