The 5 Most Common Struggles & How To Navigate Through Them

The 5 Most Common Struggles & How To Navigate Through Them

Today's episode and vlog are all about helping you navigate through the 5 most common struggles on this path. These top 5 are the result of working with women over the last 5 years (and thinking about my own journey!) #1 and #3 kept me the most stuck, while #4 was one...

Eating What You Should vs Eating What You Want

Eating What You Should vs Eating What You Want

There is endless confusion around eating what you should vs eating what you want. It goes like this... You get to that moment in your day when it's nearing lunch and you start to get hungry. You're thinking about getting ready to eat. Let's say you packed (or planned)...

Thoughts On The Word “Fat”

Thoughts On The Word “Fat”

Last week, my oldest niece dared my youngest niece to go up to my sister-in-law and say: "Aunt Emmy, Ky and AJ (nephews) think you're fat..." Mic drop. Say what?! Aaaaaand enter this podcast episode. Our society uses this word to mean so many different things. So why...

Frustrated About Not Losing Weight? Ask Yourself These 3 Things

Frustrated About Not Losing Weight? Ask Yourself These 3 Things

Sometimes we can get to a point where we think, "I've been 'doing' Intuitive Eating for X weeks/months/years, so why haven't I lost the weight yet?!"And we get frustrated about not losing weight. I know for me, the more I cared about my weight not moving, the more I...

Do You Have A Timeline Of When You Should Lose Weight?

Do You Have A Timeline Of When You Should Lose Weight?

You know those timelines we have in our heads about when something "should" happen? (The timeline of when we should lose weight is SO prevalent from our years spent in the diet world!) Like... "I've been on this path for 1 year and I should have lost weight by now."...

Why Is Overeating At Night Such a Hard Habit To Break?

Why Is Overeating At Night Such a Hard Habit To Break?

I just wrapped up the "How To Stop Overeating At Night" challenge and I was reflecting back on my own journey in letting go of one of my biggest struggles: night bingeing. It's easy to promise ourselves we really won't eat (at night). But why is it SO hard to actually...

How To Not Beat Yourself Up Over A Binge

How To Not Beat Yourself Up Over A Binge

What happens typically after we binge? We beat ourselves up like crazy. We can go down that negative thought spiral and get stuck in a serious rut! In today's episode, I'm talking about 3 things to do to help you NOT beat yourself up 🙂 [podcast...

Hi, I’m Jenn Hand

I’m an emotional eating and binge eating coach helping women stop the binge-restrict cycle, lose weight holistically, and experience food freedom!

CLICK HERE for coaching info>>