Why I’ll Never Comment On Your Weight Loss
This may be a soapbox rant, but I feel VERY passionate about this topic! Inspired by seeing a ton of comments on someone's weight loss on social media, I had to dive into this subject 🙂 Listen in here: [podcast...
How To Stop Criticizing Yourself In Photos
Do you look at every single picture you take and scrutinize your flaws, analyze your imperfections, criticize your faults, then let that spiral into a very negative view of how you look? Well, that's I have a new way for you to approach looking at photos of yourself....
3 Things To Do Before Any Out of Routine Eating (Vacation, etc.)
I just got back from ten days in Belize and I thought I'd be helpful to share the 3 things I do before any out of routine eating (meaning anything where I'm not at home making my own food 🙂 ). Vacations, trips, long weekends, parties...anything that I couldn't...
Where Can You Be Brave?
I watched Brene Brown's "The Call to Courage" this weekend (on Netflix here!) and it resonated with me deeply on so many levels. And it reminded me SO much of this food/body/weight journey. Brene's message was simple: "I want to be brave with my life. And when we make...
8 Confessions of an (Almost) Normal Eater
I'm diving into true confessions! The full blog post is here if you want to do the "your challenge" after each one. [podcast src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/9793568/height/360/theme/standard/thumbnail/yes/direction/forward/" height="360"...
An Inside Look: 8 Confessions From An (Almost) Normal Eater
Often times when we see a snapshot of someone's life, we see only the perfection. In our filtered world of social media, it's easy to think everyone else has it all together, while you are muddling through the chaos of your own life. It's even easier to think no one...
You Get Jealous of Someone’s Body. Here’s What To Do
We've all been there. When you see someone who has a figure you'd kill for and you get insanely jealous. It could be that you see someone super fit in your class at the gym, ...or you run into someone you know who lost a lot of weight, ...or encounter a friend of a...
Do You Think You’re Too Fat For Your Partner?
Written by Jenn Hand, Holistic Nutritionist, Board Certified Health Coach, NBC-HWC Let’s jump right into this topic today! Do you think you’re too fat for your partner? Do you think to yourself sometimes, "I feel too fat for my husband!" Here’s the thing: when we...