Think You’re Too Fat For Your Partner?

Think You’re Too Fat For Your Partner?

So here's the thing: when we feel awful about our bodies, when the reflection that stares back at us in the mirror is not what we want, one teeny thought can creep in: "I'm too fat for my partner" In today's episode, I'm sharing a story about the time I dated a...

When You Can’t Break Out of the Binge Cycle…

When You Can’t Break Out of the Binge Cycle…

You know those times when it seems like no matter what you do, you just cannot break out of the binge cycle? You swear on everything you own that you won't do it tomorrow, but then come 7 pm all of your willpower goes out the window and you cannot stop wandering...

Do You Turn To Food For Comfort? Here’s What To Do Instead.

Do You Turn To Food For Comfort? Here’s What To Do Instead.

For those of us who’ve struggled with body, eating, or weight issues, food can become our comfort. We turn to food in times of sadness, to soothe our souls, to make us feel better, or to find a reprieve from the busy world. Do you turn to food for comfort? 

Letting Go of Perfectionism

Letting Go of Perfectionism

Perfectionism shows up in so many areas of our lives: around our food, in the way we view our bodies, in who we think we need to be, in our career, in raising a family, and in having to be/do/have it "all" on our own. We had an incredible discussion in the Normal...

Relief Eating: 3 Tips To Help You Stop!

Relief Eating: 3 Tips To Help You Stop!

You know when you're super focused on paying attention to food leading up to an event? (Where you try extra hard to not overeat because you're seeing people you haven't seen in a long time...) And then you binge after? Or you eat in "relief"...maybe the pressure was...

Ever Felt Ashamed or Embarrassed by Your Weight/Struggle with Food?

Ever Felt Ashamed or Embarrassed by Your Weight/Struggle with Food?

If you've ever suffered through a "you've gained weight" comment, floundered through a conversation where someone asks you if you're pregnant (you're not), or been deeply mortified that you wear your struggle for the world to see (your weight), then you know how much...

What The Diet Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know

What The Diet Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know

As I was proofing the final version of my book (due out on March 12th!), I was also reflecting on my own journey. Writing the book had me revisiting a lot of personal stories and struggles. (I'm sharing it all in the book!) I was thinking of the 21 year old me, the me...

Emotional Eating Quiz

Emotional Eating Quiz

One of the reasons why diet and weight loss attempts fail is that they don’t address our underlying issues around food. We may be able to cut out carbs for a while, eat less sugar, follow a rigid food & exercise plan, or give Weight Watchers a whirl, but here’s...

Hi, I’m Jenn Hand

I’m an emotional eating and binge eating coach helping women stop the binge-restrict cycle, lose weight holistically, and experience food freedom!

CLICK HERE for coaching info>>