When You See A Thinner Photo of Yourself…(4 Tips To Help With The Criticism!)
This post was inspired by a conversation we had in the Normal Eaters Club, where one of our ladies posted about a "before and after" photo Facebook kindly reminded her of from 2 years ago (thanks, Facebook!) It is so triggering to see photos of the "thinner you". We...
How To Stop Caring What People Think
Full disclosure: I am writing this for myself, as well as for you. (That is, if you’re a people-pleaser at heart like I am!) Caring what others think is something I really wish I was better at. So how DO you stop caring what people think? Read on... Here are the...
How Instagram Affects Our View of Ourselves (And Our Bodies!)
I just got back from my...
Why Instagram Is Ruining Our Body Image (And What To Do About It!)
I just got back from my honeymoon in Bali and learned a serious life lesson about "real" life along the way. (Yes, this does have to do with "why Instagram is ruining our body image", I promise!) All of my research prior to our trip showed nothing but gorgeous...
When You Get Upset Hearing Your Weight At the Doctor
As much as I try to stay away from hearing my weight at the doctor's office, I did end up (accidentally) hearing what my body fat percentage was yesterday. {Enter a small freakout here...as I get super triggered still by weight/body numbers} So what happens when you...
How To Really Love Your Body (Even If You Still Have Weight To Lose)
Most traditional techniques on how to really love your body include affirmations, mirror work, meditation, letting go of the scale, etc. And I'm all for these! Many of these are very helpful. I think where these concepts fall short is that learning how to love our...
3 Mistakes You’re Making When Trying To Love Your Body
In honor of our new "How To (Really) Love Your Body" course that we'll do in the Normal Eaters Club (starting 9/4 if you want to join!), I wanted to do a post on the 3 mistakes you’re making when trying to love your body. These 3 things are roadblocks in our journey...
The One Tweak That Makes A Big Difference
I have a simple, actionable blog post for you this week. I like to call it “the simple tweak that makes all the difference” If you prefer to read about this topic, visit the blog here! [podcast...