Convinced You’re Addicted To Sugar?

Convinced You’re Addicted To Sugar?

Some people come to me convinced they are addicted to sugar. "Sugar is the devil," they tell me. "I CANNOT stop eating sweets!" "I feel SO much better when I don't have sugar. So why can't I just stop?! I think I'm addicted." When I was struggling with my weight, I...

What To Do When Someone Comments On Your Weight (Or Your Eating!)

What To Do When Someone Comments On Your Weight (Or Your Eating!)

Written by Jenn Hand, Holistic Nutritionist, Board Certified Health Coach, NBC-HWC We’ve all had that moment: when our mom, relative, or grandma glances curiously at us and says, “Do you really think you need that 3rd cookie?” Or our partner tells us, “You know, you...

When You’re Super Frustrated About Your Lack of Progress

When You’re Super Frustrated About Your Lack of Progress

At some point along this road, we get super annoyed. It's been weeks, months, or years and we STILL are struggling with the same damn thing? When you're super frustrated about your lack of progress, remind yourself of these 4 things!   1. The Purpose of Life...

How To Let Go of Weight Loss As Your Goal

How To Let Go of Weight Loss As Your Goal

It's the beginning of January, which means one thing: we get seriously seduced by diets and the hope that THIS is the year we'll finally fix our food/weight/body issues. Everywhere we look, people are raving about about the new program that has worked for them. "You...

How To Stop Beating Yourself Up For What You Eat

How To Stop Beating Yourself Up For What You Eat

Do you find yourself always feeling guilty and criticizing yourself about something you ate? Whether it's after Thanksgiving dinner, post get together with friends, or after an 8 pm cookie binge, we constantly feel guilty about what we're eating. Here's how to stop...

How Long Will It Take To Feel ‘Normal’ Around Food?

How Long Will It Take To Feel ‘Normal’ Around Food?

Exactly 14 years ago I sat down across from the woman who would end up being my therapist. Almost before she had a chance to greet me, I desperately asked her: "How long will it take to feel normal around food? How long until I stop binging and overeating?"  I needed...

Hi, I’m Jenn Hand

I’m an emotional eating and binge eating coach helping women stop the binge-restrict cycle, lose weight holistically, and experience food freedom!

CLICK HERE for coaching info>>