You’re Working To Stop Dieting. Is It Bad To Still Want To Lose Weight?
At some point in this journey, if you are overweight, you may get confused. The ideas of “love your body as it is”, “accept yourself as you are”, “focus on health, not weight” and all of the other messages we receive on the journey can leave you feeling like there’s...
3 Ways To Quit The Clean Plate Club
Do you swear to yourself you won't finish everything on your plate but at the end of the meal realize that you inhaled all your food yet again? Welcome to the "Clean Plate Club" 🙂 (One that most of us don't really want to be a part of!) So many of us struggle with...
What Does It Look Like To Feel Your Feelings? (And Not Eat Over Them!)
When I first started this journey, I often got confused when I heard the phrase “feel your emotions”. I’d read about this concept or stumble across the advice, and my first thought was always, “That sounds great, but HOW are you supposed to do that? What does it...
Think You Need To Lose Weight For An Upcoming Event?
Whether it’s a wedding, a work event, a reunion, or some other special occasion, there’s this idea we can have when we aren't 100% happy with our bodies: we think we need to lose weight for an upcoming event. There's a certain seduction to losing weight or getting...
3 Body Image Lessons I Learned At The Beach Last Week
I was in San Diego over the 4th of July for a long weekend getaway and spent lots of time on the beach (ahhhh!) Being in a bathing suit is always a good test for me and helps me see where I am in my journey... Am I triggered by other women’s bodies? Do I feel...
Want To Feel Amazing In Your Bathing Suit? Remember These 3 Things!
It's officially summer here in the States and we all know what that means....tank tops, shorts, bathing suits (or swimming costumes for the Brits!), and revealing clothes that make us want to run away screaming. So when you're feeling like all you want to do is wrap a...
3 Things To Do To Stop Criticizing Yourself In Photos
Are you plagued by the “I hate seeing pictures of myself” syndrome?? Today, I'm diving into how to stop criticizing yourself in photos. Do you look at every single picture you take and scrutinize your flaws, analyze your imperfections, criticize your faults, then...
How Do You Stop Eating When You’re Bored?!
Some of the biggest triggers that send us into food are stress, overwhelm, and boredom. Being bored can be really challenging to deal with...the goodies in the pantry & freezer seem to start calling our name the more bored we get! So what's the secret? How do you...