How To Trust Yourself Around Food

How To Trust Yourself Around Food

When we first realize that dieting doesn't work, learning how to listen to our body can be terrifying. So, how do you start to trust yourself around food? How do you take all of the years spent NOT listening to your body and learn to trust yourself again? Find out in...

How Do You Accept Your Body When You Don’t Like What You See?

How Do You Accept Your Body When You Don’t Like What You See?

A part of the journey towards being "normal" around food is learning to accept yourself. But how do you accept your body when you don't like what you see?! That is exactly what I'm talking about in today's blog. I got an email the other day that said: "I am done with...

How To Not Binge On Easter Candy

How To Not Binge On Easter Candy

When it comes to feeling confident in our eating, we all know that special events and holidays can be super challenging! Since Easter is this week, I wanted to do a special post on "How To Not Binge On Easter Candy". You can use this as a reminder for any holiday, but...

The Unexpected Side Effects of Not Dieting (A Must-Watch!)

The Unexpected Side Effects of Not Dieting (A Must-Watch!)

What happens when you stop dieting, let go of controlling every morsel you put into your mouth, and begin to eat more "normally"? In today's video, I'm diving into the unexpected side effects of not dieting. This is something not many people talk about. And it's...

“I’m Terrified of Gaining Weight!” (Is This You? Read on…)

“I’m Terrified of Gaining Weight!” (Is This You? Read on…)

Letting go of food rules, ditching the diet, and learning to be a "normal" eater are all fine and dandy...until the ole "but what if I gain weight?!" thought in the back of your mind is screaming at you to just CUT OUT THE CARBS or else you'll spiral out of control!...

How Do You Actually Accept Your Body?

We've been having a lot of discussion lately in The Normal Eater's Club around body acceptance.  And some of the ladies have been asking, "but HOW do you actually accept your body?!" We know we're supposed to work on body acceptance if we want to make peace with...

Are You Sneaking Food? Here’s What To Do

Are You Sneaking Food? Here’s What To Do

Written by Jenn Hand, Holistic Nutritionist, Board Certified Health Coach, NBC-HWC Do you find yourself waiting for the moment your significant other leaves the room so you can sneak some of those cookies when he/she isn’t looking? Or counting down the seconds...

Hi, I’m Jenn Hand

I’m an emotional eating and binge eating coach helping women stop the binge-restrict cycle, lose weight holistically, and experience food freedom!

CLICK HERE for coaching info>>