Think You Just Need More Willpower To “Fix” Your Food Issues?
Do you think you just need more willpower to stop giving in to temptation? I used to think if I just had more willpower, more self-control and a little bit more discipline, I would finally have it altogether around food. I mean, almost every diet out there tells you...
Letting Go of Perfectionism
Perfectionism shows up in so many areas of our lives: around our food, in the way we view our bodies, in who we think we need to be, in our career, in raising a family, and in having to be/do/have it "all" on our own. We had an incredible discussion in the Normal...
Relief Eating: 3 Tips To Help You Stop!
You know when you're super focused on paying attention to food leading up to an event? (Where you try extra hard to not overeat because you're seeing people you haven't seen in a long time...) And then you binge after? Or you eat in "relief"...maybe the pressure was...
Can You Answer These Questions?
Here are some questions I want you to think about: How do you balance what you "should" eat with what tastes good? What does it take to actually feel in control around food? What is the one mindset shift you need to stop comparing your body to others? How is it...
An Overlooked Easy Way To Have Fewer Food Temptations!
Here's one simple way you can easily set yourself up for success! (And by success I don't mean weight loss 😉 I mean feeling sane and balanced around food!) If you want to explore “How to Fill the Void without Food”, check out the exploration here. [podcast...
When You’re Locked In a Food Battle…
Here's a quick tip when you're locked in a food battle. You know, the familiar... "Don't eat that!" "You shouldn't eat that!" "But I want to eat it!" (and on it goes, mentally exhausting us!) Here's a tip to help you get out of the battle! [podcast...
The Most Powerful, Real Book I’ve Read In 10 Years
I gave the author proof of my book to exactly 6 people. One to my editor for grammar, to my designer for graphics, and to my mom for a final proof read (she was an English teacher). And the 3 others, I gave to local women I know to get feedback....
Ever Felt Ashamed or Embarrassed by Your Weight/Struggle with Food?
If you've ever suffered through a "you've gained weight" comment, floundered through a conversation where someone asks you if you're pregnant (you're not), or been deeply mortified that you wear your struggle for the world to see (your weight), then you know how much...