Should You Cut Out Sugar From Your Diet?
Have you ever eaten a cupcake, then inhaled another, and could barely stop at a third and thought to yourself, "That's it. I feel disgusting. I'm addicted to sugar and I'm giving it up completely. I'm never eating processed foods again. They make me feel awful." (*I'm...
Revealed: An Inside Look At My Body Struggles
I wrote a post a few months ago called Revealed: An Inside Look At How I Eat and received a ton of comments and emails about it, with so many woman saying it helped them to see what “normal” eating looks like. I wrote it because I wanted to give a deeper perspective...
The 3 Things I Discovered When I Stopped Weighing Myself
When you're battling your weight and body image, obsessively weighing yourself can actually do more harm than good in the quest for self-love and acceptance. I know because I used to be a slave to the scale. I weighed myself in the morning, after a big meal, after I...
“But If I Accept My Body, It Means I’m Giving Up!”
Every single woman I work with is afraid to accept her body. (And I was terrified to accept my body for a long, long, long time). Why is this? We have this belief that if we accept our bodies, it means that we’ll never lose weight and we’re giving up on ourselves. It...
Are You Constantly Trying to Hide Your Body?
Written by Jenn Hand, Holistic Nutritionist, Board Certified Health Coach, NBC-HWC Summer is coming. And if you’re anything like I was (and still am sometimes!), the thought of wearing shorts and tank tops sends you into a panic. (Or you avoid it...
The Biggest Mistake You’re Making With Food
I recently wrote an article on MindBodyGreen called: The Biggest Mistake You're Making With Food. And I got a lot of emails and comments about it. I've written about it before on my blog, but wanted to do a more in-depth video on this, as it's super important. When we...
3 Tips for Raising Daughters with Positive Body Image and Confidence
What We Need to Raise Daughters with Positive Body Image If you're wondering if raising daughters with positive body image is even possible in this era of social-media madness, you're not alone! I don’t have a daughter yet. However, I do have two beautiful nieces...
So You’ve Gained Weight. Now What?
Despite your best intentions of trying to diet and keep weight off, you've gained weight. Now what? Gaining weight can feel terrifying. We feel out of control and miserable. We’re afraid we’ll be judged, people will notice we’ve gained weight, and we’ll be known as...