Revealed: An Inside Look At How I Eat
I remember when I first began this journey, I wanted to know what/how normal people ate. I simply couldn't believe anyone who actually ate real food (i.e. wasn't on a diet) could lose/maintain a "normal" size. I had been practicing the "less is more" habit for years...
The 3 Things I’ve Learned About Self-Acceptance
Acceptance is a huge topic. One that I could spend hours and hours talking about (and one almost every women I know struggles with). Having been on the journey to accept myself for over 15 years, here are the 3 things I've learned about self-acceptance: It’s a choice...
Should You Cut Out Carbs?
Should you cut out carbs from your diet? Ahhh the million dollar question. (And one I hear all the time from clients.) Cutting out carbs is something everyone THINKS they need to be doing in order to lose weight. If you've struggled for years battling your weight and...
Why THIS Can Change Your Relationship To Food
Mindful eating is one of the fastest ways to single-handedly change your relationship to food. How can one "simple" practice be so powerful? Because mindful eating gently forces you to slow down and look at what you're doing to your body when you eat. And in our fast...
Why Clean Eating Can Be Harmful (& What You Can Do Instead)
Clean eating is all the rage these days. Wherever you look, there’s someone raving about the benefits of their 30-day eating clean challenge, showcasing amazing before and after pictures, and swearing to eat this way forever. Which is great if it works for the person...
How To Love Your Body Just A Little Bit More
After talking to hundreds of women-some of them my clients, some in my free challenges, others via email, some from winning a free coaching session-I’ve concluded that every single one of us needs to cultivate just a little more self-kindness. I coached a woman today...
What Do Binging & Facebook Stalking Have In Common?
So what DO these two seemingly unrelated things (binging and Facebook stalking) have in common? Let me explain. Last week I wrote about emotions and food. Namely, that when you start to feel your emotions and not use food to numb out, escape, or forget about your...
The 3 Things You Need To Know About Emotions And Food
I rarely take you behind the scenes of my business because doesn't have a whole lot to do with food! (Which is why you're here, I'm assuming 🙂 To gain insight into the whole food mess) But these past few weeks my business has actually had a lot to do with...