How Long Will It Take To Accept Your Body?
A few months ago, I wrote about having a mini breakdown about my jean shorts not fitting. This was a big blow to me (well, to anyone who has struggled with body image issues), but especially for me because I had maintained my weight for a number of years. I had...
If You’re Waiting Until You Lose Weight Before You Buy Clothes, Read This!
I know, I know. You don't want to buy the dress, shop for new jeans, or peruse the aisles of your favorite store until you're at least 10, 15, 20+ pounds thinner than you are now. You imagine how you’ll look in that gorgeous dress you saw in the window the other day...
It’s Not WHAT You Eat That Matters
I know we get "proper" nutrition drilled into our heads at a very young age. Carrots are good for you. Donuts are not. Kale is healthy. Doritos are not. Tomatoes are chock full of vitamins. Double stuffed Oreos are not. And then when we are old enough to know what’s...
4 Things To Remember When You’re Frustrated And Want To Give Up
This whole finding "normalcy" around food is a doozy sometimes. It' s like you think you got it... You have a really good few days of no binging, eating healthy, and trying to listen to your body and then BAM...something happens and you're off track again. Doesn't...
The 3 Secrets Normal Eaters Know
You know the person I'm talking about...the one who can go away on a vacation and come back the same size, the one who passes on the 2nd piece of cake, and the one who can say "no thanks, I don't want a cookie right now". Most likely, this is the person you dream of...
How To Stop Comparing Yourself On Social Media
Have you ever been in a fine, normal, go-about-your-day mood and after taking a quick procrastination break on Facebook (or Instagram or Twitter), you see a new post by a friend posing in her bikini on the beach and it sends you into a tailspin of negativity and “I...
Part Two: What To Do When Loving Your Body Ain’t Working For You
Last week, I blogged about what to do when eating what you want isn’t working for you. And I realized that the discussion isn't complete without addressing the whole "loving your body" thing, as well. Food struggles and body image issues often go hand in hand. You’re...
Consumed by Food? 6 Lessons on Overcoming Disordered Eating
For a good twelve years of my life, I was obsessively consumed with food. I had this unhealthy relationship with my body and my eating. I simultaneously loathed myself and desperately desired to be skinnier, while also compulsively binging until I couldn’t move. For...