Why Counting Calories Doesn’t Work (And What To Do Instead!)
We've been taught to think that counting calories is a great way to lose weight, keep our size stable, and prevent us from having serious muffin top. But, counting calories just ain't all it's cracked up to be. Here's why counting calories doesn't work: 1. It makes...
The Salad vs The Brownie: How Do You Make Healthy Food Choices?
Written by Jenn Hand, Holistic Nutritionist, Board Certified Health Coach, NBC-HWC A healthy, nutritious salad chock full of vegetable goodness and grilled chicken vs. a decadent, just out of the oven, warm brownie with ice cream on top…. Which would...
58 Fabulous Ways to Find Freedom Around Food
Here it is...the whole enchilada, the entire kit 'n kaboodle. This is a compilation of every blog post ever written. Exactly 58 ways to help you find freedom around food, feel at ease in your body, and be at peace in your eating. Happy reading! (Want a chance to win...
The Real Reason You Can’t Accept Your Body
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about body acceptance lately. And the reasons why you (and most women) can't accept your body. Warm weather is here and it's that time of year when all of our insecurities start bubbling up... "Do my thighs look fat in these shorts?"...
If You Think You Need To Eat Diet Foods To Lose Weight, Read This!
It’s easy to get caught up in thinking that you need to eat diet foods to lose weight (think: sandwich thins, 100 calorie snack packs, fat-free desserts, etc) We've been conditioned to believe we have to eat certain kinds of foods and adhere to specific guidelines in...
What To Do When You Want To Be Farther Along Than Where You Actually Are
These past few weeks have been a whirlwind, as I've been in full launch mode for Healing From Within. I've been hunched over my computer, writing copy, scrutinizing each word of my sales page/emails, analyzing metrics, numbers, conversion rates, page views, opt ins,...
3 Ways To Feel Good Naked (Even When You’re Feeling Fat)
Whether you're single or in a relationship, the thought of stripping down to your birthday suit can be terrifying. When we hate our bodies, we panic at the thought of showing off our physique, hide under baggy clothes, and dread the moments where we have to be...
3 Things Never to Say to Yourself Around Food
When you're struggling with food or battling your weight, it's easy to self-sabotage. With constant self-criticism, berating our bodies, and punishing ourselves for things we did/didn't do, we often become our own worst enemies. The things we are telling ourselves...