Have You Made Progress, But Still End Up Binging?

Have You Made Progress, But Still End Up Binging?

One of the things I work on most frequently with women is sorting through the frustration around binging. They feel discouraged that they've been doing the "work", have made progress but still end up binging. It can be so immensely frustrating when you've spent...

Your Spouse Starts A Diet…What Should You Do?!

Your Spouse Starts A Diet…What Should You Do?!

I'm smack dab in the middle of dealing with this myself, so I thought I'd do an episode on how to handle a situation where your spouse starts a diet. Let's say your significant other gets on a health kick and decides they want to diet. They join Whole 30, cut out...

The ONE Step You Must Take To Find Food Freedom

The ONE Step You Must Take To Find Food Freedom

There are 50 million steps you can and areas you can focus on when you're learning how to feel more 'normal' around food. So where you do start? Or where do you focus? When you feel lost and confused, I invite you to come back to this episode and take THIS step. It's...

How I Decide What To Eat (And A Look Inside My Fridge!)

How I Decide What To Eat (And A Look Inside My Fridge!)

We often have so many crazy thoughts swirling around our heads about what we should eat, what's healthiest, what to stay away from and what not to eat then it can be hard to actually decide what to eat! So I thought I'd d0 a behind the scenes video and walk you...

When You Bake Cookies & End Up Eating Them All…

So have you ever made brownies or cupcakes for something (a coworker, a friend's birthday, your child's classmates) and ended up eating WAY too many of them? #Confession: I did this the other night. Actually, it wasn't even that I made them FOR someone...I just made...

When You Can’t Stop Hating Your Body…

When You Can’t Stop Hating Your Body…

I have a rant today about the wedding industry. (I promise this is related to hating your body 🙂 ). So I’m getting my wedding dress fitted today. And it’s bringing up a TON of old crap and the “thinner, trimmer, and smaller” body thoughts. I googled “love yourself in...

Feel Your Feelings Without Food (Here’s How!)

Feel Your Feelings Without Food (Here’s How!)

When I first began my journey, I knew I needed to NOT use food to deal with life. The problem was I didn't know how! How were you supposed to be sad, disappointed, angry or lonely and not eat? I'd spent half my life at the time binging on cookies and ice cream instead...

Hi, I’m Jenn Hand

I’m an emotional eating and binge eating coach helping women stop the binge-restrict cycle, lose weight holistically, and experience food freedom!

CLICK HERE for coaching info>>




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