Dreaming of the Day When…

Dreaming of the Day When…

You've been dreaming of the day when you drop 2 sizes, lose 10 pounds, and are finally happy with your body. The day you can really look in the mirror and say "heck yea, my body is awesome!" How long have you been waiting for that day to arrive? And how long have you...

Are Your “Food Rules” Holding You Back?

Are Your “Food Rules” Holding You Back?

Oh, those sneaky little food rules we have for ourselves. They can creep up on us when we least expect it.  I can’t eat after 7 pm  I have to have a salad for lunch during the work week  I am allowed to eat cereal only on weekends Or my favorite... (because I totally...

Love Yourself Now (Not 10 Pounds From Now)

Love Yourself Now (Not 10 Pounds From Now)

I know when you’re battling your weight, it’s hard to believe that anyone can love you at the weight you are. And I know the whole "just love and accept your body" culture is MUCH easier said than done. I want to tell you some things about this I wish someone had told...

Tired of Always “Starting Over” on Monday?

Tired of Always “Starting Over” on Monday?

We've all been there. You do so good during the week and then go crazy with the pizza, apps, desserts, and "I'd like fries with that" on the weekends. Then, come Monday, you promise yourself that this, seriously, is the day you are going to gain control of your...

A B-School Special: Business Building and Double Stuffed Oreos

A B-School Special: Business Building and Double Stuffed Oreos

I had an epiphany last week. After listening to my 27th webinar of the week and looking at my to-do list: buy “Facebook Ad for Newbies” program, sign up for “How to Create Your Sales Funnel” module, and start on “Using Twitter to Grow Your Biz” tutorial, I felt a...

Convinced That Everything Would Be Better If You Were Skinnier?

Convinced That Everything Would Be Better If You Were Skinnier?

Written by Jenn Hand, Holistic Nutritionist, Board Certified Health Coach, NBC-HWC Yep, I also used to think that everything would be better if I was skinnier. It was like being thin was the be-all, end-all solution to every single problem I had. Here is what I...

How to Banish the “I’ll Be Happy When” Syndrome

How to Banish the “I’ll Be Happy When” Syndrome

We say it all the time. I’ll be happy when I lose fifteen pounds. …When I am in a stable, satisfying relationship. …When I have a job I am passionate about. …When I buy my dream house. The words “I’ll be happy when” have become so pervasive in our society it’s almost...

Hi, I’m Jenn Hand

I’m an emotional eating and binge eating coach helping women stop the binge-restrict cycle, lose weight holistically, and experience food freedom!

CLICK HERE for coaching info>>