Think Eating Less Will Make You Skinnier? Think Again.
We are surrounded by messages that tell us we have to cut back on calories to lose weight. We’ve been brainwashed to think the less we eat, the skinnier we will be. And our society applauds those who eat like birds. How many times have you heard… I haven’t eaten...
What to Do When Going Out to Eat is Stressful
Going out to eat used to send me into a panic. Here is how the situation usually panned out: 1. I knew I had dinner plans, so I would try not to eat that much during the day because I wanted to save up the calories and "splurge" at dinner. I was usually so worried...
How To Make Peace With The Scale
If there is one change over the years that’s brought huge shifts in my life, I would have to say it’s been my diligent effort to let go of my obsession with weighing myself. I used to be a slave to the scale. I weighed myself in the morning, after a big meal, after I...
Two Awesome Announcements!
I have two awesome announcements for you today. 1. Healing From Within has OFFICIALLY opened its doors! I’m super excited for this program to finally be shared with the world. I began my business with this idea and it is finally come to fruition! It is an 8-week...
Can Food Fill That Emptiness? AND A Sneak Peek…
I’m wrapping up the last week of the beta-launch of Healing From Within (which has been amazing BTW!). One of the themes that has resurfaced constantly throughout the program is the issue of “filling the emptiness” with food. . In many different forms, the women in...
Her work is truly transformational!
Jenn is an extraordinary individual with a passion for helping others through her gifts, personal experience, coaching and powerful writing. She has tremendous knowledge in health and wellness, overcoming eating disorders, and living your best life. If you have the...
One of the best holistic teachers I’ve ever met.
Jenn creates a welcoming, safe environment that is low key, yet focused. Her attention to individual and group needs is exceptional. I appreciate Jenn's skills, preparation, and pace as she guides us through our journey. She is passionate about helping others and...
How to Not Eat The Entire Pantry (Even When You Want To)
Written by Jenn Hand, Holistic Nutritionist, Board Certified Health Coach, NBC-HWC Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seems to be going right? You are super stressed out about work, your significant other is irritating the *%$& out of you, your...