Meditation for Binge Eating: Can Mindfulness or Meditation Help with Binge Eating?
When I first started getting help with my food struggle, mindfulness was the last thing on my mind.
What Are the Most Common Misconceptions About Binge Eating?
I struggled with the diet and binge cycle for over 13 years. During that time, there were many things I believed about binge eating that I realized were actually misconceptions.
What Role Does Nutrition Play in Recovering From Binge Eating?
Nutrition does play a role in recovering from binge eating, but not necessarily in the way we think of when we think of eating “healthy.”
Why Am I Always Thinking About Food?
If you find yourself constantly thinking about food, it can stem from factors beyond just being hungry. Our relationship with food is complex.
What Is Yo-Yo Dieting?
Yo-yo dieting is the pattern of losing weight through restrictive diets or intense exercise, followed by regaining the weight and going “off” the plan.
How to Release Shame
I want to share with you how to release shame based on my own experience of overcoming feelings of guilt and shame. You don’t have to stay stuck in a cycle of shame. I hope my story helps you to release your own shame.
Can You Feel Yourself Gaining Weight?
Many times in my own food/weight battle, I panicked about gaining weight. Some of those were actual physical weight gain, others were fears in my head.
Should I Fast After a Binge?
When I was battling bingeing, each and every binge was followed by the same thought: I should fast and eat as little as possible to make up for what I just ate.