How to Release Shame

How to Release Shame

I want to share with you how to release shame based on my own experience of overcoming feelings of guilt and shame. You don’t have to stay stuck in a cycle of shame. I hope my story helps you to release your own shame.

Can You Feel Yourself Gaining Weight?

Can You Feel Yourself Gaining Weight?

Many times in my own food/weight battle, I panicked about gaining weight. Some of those were actual physical weight gain, others were fears in my head.

Should I Fast After a Binge?

Should I Fast After a Binge?

When I was battling bingeing, each and every binge was followed by the same thought: I should fast and eat as little as possible to make up for what I just ate. 

Why Do I Hate My Body?

Why Do I Hate My Body?

To overcome this feeling of body hatred, it’s essential to practice gentleness and compassion with ourselves. Instead of focusing on perceived flaws or imperfections, we gently work to appreciate our bodies for their strength and resilience.

What Is a Holistic Diet?

What Is a Holistic Diet?

Having spent ⅓ of my life  stuck in the diet/binge cycle, I spent many years wondering what a holistic way of eating actually looked like.

How to Recover from a Carb Binge

How to Recover from a Carb Binge

Carbs used to be my nemesis. I would binge on garlic knots, bread, pizza, and other carbs, then post food-coma would swear to myself that I’d ban them forever.

Hi, I’m Jenn Hand

I’m an emotional eating and binge eating coach helping women stop the binge-restrict cycle, lose weight holistically, and experience food freedom!

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