What If You Never Love Your Body?

What If You Never Love Your Body?

There is so much on body acceptance and body love out there that gives tips and tools for how to love your body. But what if you never DO actually learn to love your body? Is that okay? Or should you keep trying? Dive in here! You can also check out the “Love...
The Future Thin Body Fantasy

The Future Thin Body Fantasy

When we want to lose weight or are uncomfortable in our body, we often hold onto this concept of a “future thin body”. This may show up as a yearning to be at a size you were before or a subtle desire that you try to push down (one that wishes you could...
What If You Never Love Your Body?

Are Warm Weather Clothes a Trigger?

Anxiety used to hit me when it came time to wear spring/summer outfits. If warm weather clothes are a trigger, then today’s podcast is a must listen. I wanted to hide my body and crawl under a rock until winter came back around again. The thought of baring my...
Is Your Worth Determined By Your Size or The Scale?

Is Your Worth Determined By Your Size or The Scale?

Is your worth determined by your size or the number on the scale? So much of what we learn growing up is our worth is dependent on something: Being a certain size Having a specific body type The number on the scale Making a certain amount of money or a certain career...