How To Stop Comparing Yourself On Social Media

How To Stop Comparing Yourself On Social Media

Have you ever been in a fine, normal, go-about-your-day mood and after taking a quick procrastination break on Facebook (or Instagram or Twitter), you see a new post by a friend posing in her bikini on the beach and it sends you into a tailspin of negativity and “I...
The Real Reason You Can’t Accept Your Body

The Real Reason You Can’t Accept Your Body

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about body acceptance lately. And the reasons why you (and most women) can’t accept your body. Warm weather is here and it’s that time of year when all of our insecurities start bubbling up… “Do my thighs look...
3 Ways To Feel Good Naked (Even When You’re Feeling Fat)

3 Ways To Feel Good Naked (Even When You’re Feeling Fat)

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, the thought of stripping down to your birthday suit can be terrifying.  When we hate our bodies, we panic at the thought of showing off our physique, hide under baggy clothes, and dread the moments where we have to be...