What About the Failures?

What About the Failures?

Last night, a close friend and I were talking about “failures”. Namely, our business ventures that flopped big time and how no one seems to talk about them. You hear of the “big wins” in the media–how someone went from a side hustle to...
An Example of Normal Eating

An Example of Normal Eating

I remember when I first began this journey, I wanted to know what/how normal people ate. I simply couldn’t believe anyone who actually ate real food  (i.e. wasn’t on a diet) could lose/maintain a “normal” size. I had been practicing the...
How to Know When to Stop Eating

How to Know When to Stop Eating

When we are trying to let go of dieting and be more “normal” around food, it can be verrrrry challenging to know when to stop eating. Are you supposed to listen to your body? Measure or count something? Get specific portions? When we’re left with...
Do You Label Food As Good and Bad?

Do You Label Food As Good and Bad?

When we’ve been in the diet world for some time, our brains become trained to think of food as good and bad. Broccoli? Good Cake? Bad Salad? Good Bread? Bad When we’re working to stop dieting, it can be insanely challenging to train our brains to stop defaulting into...
Scared of Losing Control Around Food?

Scared of Losing Control Around Food?

Does it seem like despite your best intentions to stop dieting and be peaceful around food that you’re still scared to let go of control? You may be afraid of gaining weight, bingeing for days on end, or that it’ll trigger a spiral out of control....