Oct 3, 2019 | Food 'n Stuff, Life Lessons, Podcast
Ok, let me be honest. You may resist what I’m going to talk about. You may come up with every excuse in the book as to why you can’t do it. (I’m only talking from personal experience! 😉 ) But this conversation has come up again and again in the work...
Apr 19, 2019 | Food 'n Stuff, Freedom From Dieting, Podcast
This is sort of a trick question…because there really is no right or wrong answer 🙂 Here it is: if you didn’t fear weight gain, what would you eat? If calories didn’t count, if no food “made” you gain weight, if there weren’t...
Mar 29, 2019 | Food 'n Stuff
Do you think you just need more willpower to stop giving in to temptation? I used to think if I just had more willpower, more self-control and a little bit more discipline, I would finally have it altogether around food. I mean, almost every diet out there tells you...
Sep 5, 2018 | Food 'n Stuff, Podcast
Download This EpisodeThe last two days, I’ve been finding myself scouting the pantry door in hopes that something delicious will appear. And mindlessly opening the fridge door to see what snack I can come up with. So what do you do when you want to eat for no...
May 22, 2018 | Food 'n Stuff, YouTube
We often have so many crazy thoughts swirling around our heads about what we should eat, what’s healthiest, what to stay away from and what not to eat then it can be hard to actually decide what to eat! So I thought I’d d0 a behind the scenes video and...
Apr 11, 2018 | Food 'n Stuff, Freedom From Dieting
After all of these years of deconstructing my own food rules, I had an internal battle last night where I didn’t want to eat because I thought it was “too late”. Here’s how it went: I had eaten dinner at 5:30 and ended up going to a restorative...
Feb 16, 2018 | Food 'n Stuff, Podcast
If sweets are your nemesis, tune in for one simple tip to help you have a healthy relationship with dessert 🙂 It can seem like if sweets were banished from the earth, life would just be easier… but we’re not likely to see that happen in our lifetime, so...
Feb 14, 2018 | Food 'n Stuff, Podcast
Do you feel like you obsess about food every waking moment of your day? Yep, I’ve been there 😉 In today’s podcast, we explore an unconventional solution to this issue 🙂 If you want to explore “How to Fill the Void without Food”, check out the exploration...
Apr 11, 2017 | Binge Eating, Food 'n Stuff, Freedom From Dieting
When it comes to feeling confident in our eating, we all know that special events and holidays can be super challenging! Since Easter is this week, I wanted to do a special post on “How To Not Binge On Easter Candy”. You can use this as a reminder for any...
Mar 14, 2017 | Food 'n Stuff, Freedom From Dieting
So I talk a lot about giving yourself permission, allowing yourself to eat more freely, and letting go of food rules. I mean, it’s hard to get out of the “I swear I’m gonna start over tomorrow!” cycle when you have 100 foods on the list of...
Dec 14, 2016 | Food 'n Stuff
Written by Jenn Hand, Holistic Nutritionist, Board Certified Health Coach, NBC-HWC Do you find yourself waiting for the moment your significant other leaves the room so you can sneak some of those cookies when he/she isn’t looking? Or counting down the seconds...
Nov 9, 2016 | Binge Eating, Emotions and Eating, Food 'n Stuff
It’s the start of a new day (or week). You woke up and swore on every last dime that today is the day you’re going to make some changes around your food. It’s 9:00 am and you’re off to a great start: You got up to go to the gym and sweated it out to lots...