Jun 3, 2015 | Body Beliefs, Emotions and Eating, Food 'n Stuff, Freedom From Dieting, Life Lessons, Nourishment and Self Care
Here it is…the whole enchilada, the entire kit ‘n kaboodle. This is a compilation of every blog post ever written. Exactly 58 ways to help you find freedom around food, feel at ease in your body, and be at peace in your eating. Happy reading! (Want a...
May 19, 2015 | Freedom From Dieting, Life Lessons
We all strive for eating healthy and trying to be as nutritionally sound as possible. But sometimes eating chai seed smoothies, flax oatmeal, and kale as every side dish can actually turn out not so great. Let me explain… Let’s say a client hands me their food...
Apr 15, 2015 | Freedom From Dieting
It’s easy to get caught up in thinking that you need to eat diet foods to lose weight (think: sandwich thins, 100 calorie snack packs, fat-free desserts, etc) We’ve been conditioned to believe we have to eat certain kinds of foods and adhere to specific...
Feb 11, 2015 | Food 'n Stuff, Freedom From Dieting
When you’re struggling with food or battling your weight, it’s easy to self-sabotage. With constant self-criticism, berating our bodies, and punishing ourselves for things we did/didn’t do, we often become our own worst enemies. The things we are...
Feb 3, 2015 | Emotions and Eating, Freedom From Dieting, How to Stop Emotional Eating
How many times have you sworn on everything you’ve ever owned that you would stop binging on the weekends, never have a dessert again, and this time, for real, end emotional eating for good? I’ve probably promised myself that at least 900 times in my life....
Jan 28, 2015 | Food 'n Stuff, Freedom From Dieting, Nourishment and Self Care
Throughout the years I struggled with food, battled my weight, and hated my body, books became my lifeline. I devoured anything related to helping me not feel like a crazy person around food. My sister still makes fun of my ridiculous (read: excessive) collection of...
Jan 21, 2015 | Food 'n Stuff, Freedom From Dieting
It’s the million dollar question: how do I eat like a “normal” person?! Because if we knew the answer, well…we wouldn’t be struggling so much with finding our “zen” around food/eating. We’ve all had that friend…the...
Jan 14, 2015 | Food 'n Stuff, Freedom From Dieting
The world of weight loss is insanely confusing. If you google “the key to lasting weight loss”, there are about 1001 different solutions that come up. All the experts say different things: cut out carbs, don’t eat anything processed, use ideal combinations of food,...
Dec 17, 2014 | Food 'n Stuff, Freedom From Dieting
Have you ever had that meal where you’ve eaten so much you feel like your pants are gonna pop, your stomach is going to burst, and you need to be rolled away from the dinner table? Yep, been there, done that. I’m going to save you the misery of having...
Nov 12, 2014 | Food 'n Stuff, Freedom From Dieting, Overcoming Overeating
Wait, what? Overeating can be a good thing? Have I gone off the deep end? I know what you’re thinking, “ummm, overeating is NOT a good thing. I hate myself after a binge, I have no self-control and feel disgusting.” So how could it ever be a good thing?...
Oct 29, 2014 | Freedom From Dieting, Life Lessons
I was roaming the aisles at Whole Foods the other day and the bakery section caught my eye. And boy did it look fantastic! The smell of freshly baked bread, the just-out-of-the-oven muffins, the delectable display of chocolate….yep, the bakery aisle was indeed...
Oct 2, 2014 | Freedom From Dieting, Life Lessons
You’ve been dreaming of the day when you drop 2 sizes, lose 10 pounds, and are finally happy with your body. The day you can really look in the mirror and say “heck yea, my body is awesome!” How long have you been waiting for that day to arrive? And...