Part Two: 40 Lessons Learned at 40

Part Two: 40 Lessons Learned at 40

I turn 40 today and for some birthday reflection this is part two of the “Decade of Reflection: 40 lessons learned at 40” blog post series. 😉 Part one is here. Part two is below. (If you prefer the “extended” version that’s more in depth, check out the...
“I Have a Bad Sweet Tooth–Help!”

“I Have a Bad Sweet Tooth–Help!”

It’s the crave-y-wanting-of-sweets that we sometimes can’t shake: “I have a bad sweet tooth and all I want to do is eat!” I was chatting with one of my friends earlier this week and I said this exact thing to her. The last week or so I’ve...
What About the Failures?

What About the Failures?

Last night, a close friend and I were talking about “failures”. Namely, our business ventures that flopped big time and how no one seems to talk about them. You hear of the “big wins” in the media–how someone went from a side hustle to...
Confused Over the Right Way to Eat?

Confused Over the Right Way to Eat?

It’s easy to be confused over the right way to eat. There are approximately 3,456,878 articles on google talking about what’s “good”, what you’re “supposed” to eat/not eat, and research supporting each claim. (And every one...
How to Know When to Stop Eating

How to Know When to Stop Eating

When we are trying to let go of dieting and be more “normal” around food, it can be verrrrry challenging to know when to stop eating. Are you supposed to listen to your body? Measure or count something? Get specific portions? When we’re left with...