Sep 20, 2021 | Freedom From Dieting, Podcast
A woman emailed me to say she was struggling: “I’m having a hard time letting go of adhering to a program or following some sort of rule; I use dieting as a security blanket.” I have never heard dieting explained this way and I thought it was...
Jul 22, 2021 | Freedom From Dieting, Holistic Weight Loss
It’s the million dollar question: can you lose weight without counting calories, restricting certain foods, and slaving away at the gym 24/7? Our society tells us we can’t lose weight unless we push ourselves to the max, sweat it out at the gym at least 45...
Feb 17, 2021 | Body Beliefs, Featured, Freedom From Dieting, Holistic Weight Loss
Written by Jenn Hand, Holistic Nutritionist, Board Certified Health Coach, NBC-HWC When we have a tough time accepting our current weight, it can make us want to diet again. (Why? Because diets promise quick fixes and even if we know they don’t work, it’s still...
Nov 3, 2020 | Emotions and Eating, Freedom From Dieting, Podcast
We all get those urges where we just have to have the candy/dessert/(insert food we want)–but how should we actually deal with cravings? Do we ignore them? Try to make them go away? Give in? I’ve had quite a few cravings lately (Halloween candy, feeling...
Oct 27, 2020 | Freedom From Dieting, Podcast
You know that anxious feeling you get when you have a weekend away, a dinner party or some other event with a lot of food? (It can trigger anxiety and fear, which keeps us stuck and not able to deal with food anxiety!) It could be stress that you’ll eat too...
Oct 6, 2020 | Freedom From Dieting, Podcast
Why do we struggle with intuitive eating? Women often come to me and tell me they just can’t “get it”. They stumble upon Intuitive Eating (or what I call “Normal” Eating–more on that in the podcast!)… …think they...
Sep 8, 2020 | Freedom From Dieting
What’s the biggest source of anxiety and angst on this path? Feeling obsessed with food. Feeling like every moment of every day is spent planning, counting, scheming, and dreaming of what you can/can’t eat next or feeling like you can’t stop thinking...
Aug 25, 2020 | Freedom From Dieting
Do you find yourself saying “oh man, I blew it, I may as well finish the [insert delicious dessert here] and start over tomorrow?” I said this probably 7 times a day when I was trying to stop dieting and binging! Here’s how to shift out of the...
Aug 17, 2020 | Body Beliefs, Freedom From Dieting
Do thoughts of weight loss dominate your thinking? Do you want to lose weight more than anything? Almost every single woman I work with tells me the same thing… I just can’t be happy with myself until I lose the weight I’ve gained. I feel so disgusting in my body and...
Jul 7, 2020 | Body Beliefs, Freedom From Dieting, Holistic Weight Loss, Podcast
If you’re working to stop dieting, there is typically 1) the fear of weight gain and/or 2) actual weight gain. Today’s episode addresses #2! If you’ve gained weight, here are three tips to help you handle it. ...
Jul 6, 2020 | Food 'n Stuff, Freedom From Dieting, Podcast
When we’ve been in the diet world for some time, our brains become trained to think of food as good and bad. Broccoli? Good Cake? Bad Salad? Good Bread? Bad When we’re working to stop dieting, it can be insanely challenging to train our brains to stop defaulting into...
Jun 30, 2020 | Featured, Food 'n Stuff, Freedom From Dieting
When we’ve been in the diet world for some time, our brains become trained to think of food as good and bad. Broccoli? Good Cake? Bad Salad? Good Bread? Bad When we’re working to stop dieting, it can be insanely challenging to train our brains to stop...