What The Diet Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know

What The Diet Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know

As I was proofing the final version of my book (due out on March 12th!), I was also reflecting on my own journey. Writing the book had me revisiting a lot of personal stories and struggles. (I’m sharing it all in the book!) I was thinking of the 21 year old me,...
The Simple Tweak That Makes All The Difference

The Simple Tweak That Makes All The Difference

I have a simple, actionable blog post for you this week. I like to call it “the simple tweak that makes all the difference” 🙂 Before I tell you what it is, I want you to imagine you’re going to a party this weekend where you know there will be lots...
Is It Bad To Have A Cheat Day?

Is It Bad To Have A Cheat Day?

A cheat day seems innocent enough, right?! You eat super healthy 5-6 days of the week and then you “save up” for a day where you let yourself cheat by eating sweets and desserts.  With so many people talking about how they work, is it bad to have a cheat...
Convinced You’re Addicted To Sugar?

Convinced You’re Addicted To Sugar?

Some people come to me convinced they are addicted to sugar. “Sugar is the devil,” they tell me. “I CANNOT stop eating sweets!” “I feel SO much better when I don’t have sugar. So why can’t I just stop?! I think I’m...
How To Let Go of Weight Loss As Your Goal

How To Let Go of Weight Loss As Your Goal

It’s the beginning of January, which means one thing: we get seriously seduced by diets and the hope that THIS is the year we’ll finally fix our food/weight/body issues. Everywhere we look, people are raving about about the new program that has worked for...