Revealed: An Inside Look At How I Eat

Revealed: An Inside Look At How I Eat

I remember when I first began this journey, I wanted to know what/how normal people ate. I simply couldn’t believe anyone who actually ate real food  (i.e. wasn’t on a diet) could lose/maintain a “normal” size. I had been practicing the...
Should You Cut Out Carbs?

Should You Cut Out Carbs?

Should you cut out carbs from your diet? Ahhh the million dollar question. (And one I hear all the time from clients.) Cutting out carbs is something everyone THINKS they need to be doing in order to lose weight. If you’ve struggled for years battling your...
It’s Not WHAT You Eat That Matters

It’s Not WHAT You Eat That Matters

I know we get “proper” nutrition drilled into our heads  at a very young age. Carrots are good for you. Donuts are not. Kale is healthy. Doritos are not. Tomatoes are chock full of vitamins. Double stuffed Oreos are not. And then when we are old enough to...