Mar 22, 2017 | Freedom From Dieting
If you follow my blog and know what I teach, you know that I do not “sell” weight loss. I am not a fan of “before and after” photos (read one of my most popular blog posts on that here), I don’t advocate clean eating, I never prescribe...
Mar 14, 2017 | Food 'n Stuff, Freedom From Dieting
So I talk a lot about giving yourself permission, allowing yourself to eat more freely, and letting go of food rules. I mean, it’s hard to get out of the “I swear I’m gonna start over tomorrow!” cycle when you have 100 foods on the list of...
Mar 7, 2017 | Freedom From Dieting
What happens when you stop dieting, let go of controlling every morsel you put into your mouth, and begin to eat more “normally”? In today’s video, I’m diving into the unexpected side effects of not dieting. This is something not many people...
Oct 25, 2016 | Freedom From Dieting
I used to know everything about nutrition. I knew the calories in 95 percent of the items at the grocery store, which foods had the most omega-3s, what a plant-based diet did for the body, how food combining helped digestion improve, and which foods had the lowest fat...
Aug 30, 2016 | Freedom From Dieting
Restrictive thoughts can be sneaky little devils. We’re happily going about our day and think we are eating healthy…then BOOM after dinner, we find ourselves eating cookie after cookie and can’t seem to stop. What’s going on? It could be that...
Aug 3, 2016 | Freedom From Dieting
Have you ever eaten a cupcake, then inhaled another, and could barely stop at a third and thought to yourself, “That’s it. I feel disgusting. I’m addicted to sugar and I’m giving it up completely. I’m never eating processed foods again....
May 10, 2016 | Emotions and Eating, Freedom From Dieting
I recently wrote an article on MindBodyGreen called: The Biggest Mistake You’re Making With Food. And I got a lot of emails and comments about it. I’ve written about it before on my blog, but wanted to do a more in-depth video on this, as it’s super...
Apr 18, 2016 | Freedom From Dieting
I remember when I first began this journey, I wanted to know what/how normal people ate. I simply couldn’t believe anyone who actually ate real food (i.e. wasn’t on a diet) could lose/maintain a “normal” size. I had been practicing the...
Mar 29, 2016 | Food 'n Stuff, Freedom From Dieting
Should you cut out carbs from your diet? Ahhh the million dollar question. (And one I hear all the time from clients.) Cutting out carbs is something everyone THINKS they need to be doing in order to lose weight. If you’ve struggled for years battling your...
Mar 1, 2016 | Food 'n Stuff, Freedom From Dieting
Clean eating is all the rage these days. Wherever you look, there’s someone raving about the benefits of their 30-day eating clean challenge, showcasing amazing before and after pictures, and swearing to eat this way forever. Which is great if it works for the person...
Feb 16, 2016 | Food 'n Stuff, Freedom From Dieting
So what DO these two seemingly unrelated things (binging and Facebook stalking) have in common? Let me explain. Last week I wrote about emotions and food. Namely, that when you start to feel your emotions and not use food to numb out, escape, or forget about your...
Jan 28, 2016 | Freedom From Dieting
Wanna hear two insanely staggering numbers? $60 Billion The annual revenue of the US weight loss industry, including diet books, diet drugs, and weight loss surgeries. (Source: US News) 108 Million The number of people on diets in the US. Dieters typically make 4-5...