Before You Make a New Year’s Resolution, Read This!

Before You Make a New Year’s Resolution, Read This!

It’s that time of year where many people get motivated to make a New Year’s resolution. The start of a year holds the promise of something new: a fresh start, a ‘better’ you, weight loss, a smaller body, healthier habits, etc. I just posted a...
The Before And After Photo Myth

The Before And After Photo Myth

I’ve had people tell me I needed to put up a before and after photo on my site. Because, well…the whole “look at me before and now see me after” transformation sells! The idea is that people would see my before/after pics and are supposed to...
Fear of Weight Loss: 5 Tips To Let Go

Fear of Weight Loss: 5 Tips To Let Go

We’re diving into something we don’t often talk about on this journey: the fear of weight loss. Because we all know that weight gain fear like the back of our hands. What if people notice my weight gain?  I’ll just die if someone comments on how much...
How To Stop Caring What People Think

How To Stop Caring What People Think

Full disclosure: I am writing this for myself, as well as for you. (That is, if you’re a people-pleaser at heart like I am!) Caring what others think is something I really wish I was better at. So how DO you stop caring what people think? Read on… Here are the...
Your Spouse Starts A Diet…What Should You Do?!

Your Spouse Starts A Diet…What Should You Do?!

I’m smack dab in the middle of dealing with this myself, so I thought I’d do an episode on how to handle a situation where your spouse starts a diet. Let’s say your significant other gets on a health kick and decides they want to diet. They join...
When You Can’t Stop Hating Your Body…

When You Can’t Stop Hating Your Body…

I have a rant today about the wedding industry. (I promise this is related to hating your body 🙂 ). So I’m getting my wedding dress fitted today. And it’s bringing up a TON of old crap and the “thinner, trimmer, and smaller” body thoughts. I googled “love yourself in...