Apr 8, 2015 | Life Lessons
These past few weeks have been a whirlwind, as I’ve been in full launch mode for Healing From Within. I’ve been hunched over my computer, writing copy, scrutinizing each word of my sales page/emails, analyzing metrics, numbers, conversion rates, page...
Dec 3, 2014 | Body Beliefs, Life Lessons
Written by Jenn Hand, Holistic Nutritionist, Board Certified Health Coach, NBC-HWC What’s your reaction when you look at yourself in the mirror? I’m guessing it’s not a big smile radiating love for your amazing body, acceptance of all your “flaws” and admiration...
Oct 29, 2014 | Freedom From Dieting, Life Lessons
I was roaming the aisles at Whole Foods the other day and the bakery section caught my eye. And boy did it look fantastic! The smell of freshly baked bread, the just-out-of-the-oven muffins, the delectable display of chocolate….yep, the bakery aisle was indeed...
Oct 2, 2014 | Freedom From Dieting, Life Lessons
You’ve been dreaming of the day when you drop 2 sizes, lose 10 pounds, and are finally happy with your body. The day you can really look in the mirror and say “heck yea, my body is awesome!” How long have you been waiting for that day to arrive? And...
Oct 1, 2014 | Life Lessons, Nourishment and Self Care
When we get so wrapped up in our to-do’s, life can become a series of never-ending things we need to check off our lists. It’s impossible to get everything done and easy to get overwhelmed. Here is what was on my “Things to Do Today” List: (Note: I’m trying to...
Sep 8, 2014 | Life Lessons
I had an epiphany last week. After listening to my 27th webinar of the week and looking at my to-do list: buy “Facebook Ad for Newbies” program, sign up for “How to Create Your Sales Funnel” module, and start on “Using Twitter to Grow Your Biz” tutorial, I felt a...
Aug 20, 2014 | Life Lessons
We say it all the time. I’ll be happy when I lose fifteen pounds. …When I am in a stable, satisfying relationship. …When I have a job I am passionate about. …When I buy my dream house. The words “I’ll be happy when” have become so pervasive in our society it’s almost...
Aug 5, 2014 | Food 'n Stuff, Freedom From Dieting, Life Lessons
We are surrounded by messages that tell us we have to cut back on calories to lose weight. We’ve been brainwashed to think the less we eat, the skinnier we will be. And our society applauds those who eat like birds. How many times have you heard… I haven’t eaten...
Mar 5, 2014 | Life Lessons, Uncategorized
I’ve been thinking lately about the desire to “escape”. You know, the thought you have when life gets tough, change is swirling all around you, worst-case scenarios fill your mind, and you think, if only I could escape to a tropical island for a month and come back to...
Nov 19, 2013 | Freedom From Dieting, Life Lessons, Uncategorized
For so many years, I equated achieving my ideal weight with achieving happiness. I believed they were synonymous. If I could just reach my perfect weight, hold on to it and never let it go, than I would finally be content. It was an endless struggle, because each time...