Jul 23, 2014 | Body Beliefs, Nourishment and Self Care
If there is one change over the years that’s brought huge shifts in my life, I would have to say it’s been my diligent effort to let go of my obsession with weighing myself. I used to be a slave to the scale. I weighed myself in the morning, after a big meal, after I...
Jul 9, 2014 | Food 'n Stuff, Freedom From Dieting, Nourishment and Self Care
I have two awesome announcements for you today. 1. Healing From Within has OFFICIALLY opened its doors! I’m super excited for this program to finally be shared with the world. I began my business with this idea and it is finally come to fruition! It is an 8-week...
Dec 4, 2013 | Nourishment and Self Care, Uncategorized
Once upon a time (not too long ago), I was “that girl” at the gym-the girl that spent forever and a day on the elliptical machine. I had a very scheduled, rigid routine, and devoted my gym time strictly adhering to this regimen. Day in and day out, I dreaded the...