Here’s How To Let Go of Holiday Food Guilt

Here’s How To Let Go of Holiday Food Guilt

This time of year it’s easy to wracked with some serious guilt around food. So how do you let go of holiday food guilt? That’s what we’re talking about in today’s podcast! I’m talking four tips to help you let go of any food guilt as you...
How To Deal With Food Anxiety

How To Deal With Food Anxiety

You know that anxious feeling you get when you have a weekend away, a dinner party or some other event with a lot of food? (It can trigger anxiety and fear, which keeps us stuck and not able to deal with food anxiety!) It could be stress that you’ll eat too...
3 Things To Teach Kids Around Body & Food

3 Things To Teach Kids Around Body & Food

What if you grew up never having gone on your first diet? >If you didn’t learn salads as “good” and cookies as “bad”? >If you didn’t associate worth with size? >If you never got it stuck in your head that “I need to...