screenshotYou’ve been dreaming of the day when you drop 2 sizes, lose 10 pounds, and are finally happy with your body. The day you can really look in the mirror and say “heck yea, my body is awesome!”

How long have you been waiting for that day to arrive?

And how long have you been struggling with “falling off the wagon”, starting over, and getting focused on a new goal to finally achieve what you really want?

So often, we live our lives focused on our next weight-loss goal. It’s the holidays and we promise we will eat healthy after Christmas. New Year’s comes and we make resolutions. Warm weather hits and we swear we’ll lose weight to look good in a bathing suit.

But how do you find your own sense of peace and happiness with your eating and body without all of these highs and lows? Where is the middle ground?

This is exactly what today’s video is about. Something I termed the “If-Then Mindset” (and if it was up to me, I think it should be taught in schools, because we are always chasing the next goal and never even celebrate where we are! I’m so guilty of this! Ok, I won’t start on a rant right now 🙂 )

If you just can’t seem to find the place in your eating and your weight where you feel satisfied, then this one is for you! Check it out.


Stay tuned next week for a special announcement! It’s a sort of “get prepared for the holidays” type deal. I know, I can’t believe I’m talking about the holidays either. But, Halloween is quickly approaching and I spent YEARS in a 7-day Reese’s coma the week after October 31st, so this is to help you get to a healthy, balanced place before holiday eating ensues 🙂 Keep your eyes peeled..