Master Key To Food Freedom

After Binge Toolkit
10-Day Let Go of the Scale Challenge
Fall In Love With Your Body Meditation

The After-Binge Toolkit
The hardest part of a binge is the end. Where you are left with the last bite taken, wondering what you’ve done to yourself yet again. And the feeling of emptiness and of being out of control feeling. And that’s where this toolkit comes in…

Here’s what you will get:
- The first few steps to take right after you binge so you don’t go down the “eat the rest of your pantry because you blew it already” destructive path
- What to do in the hours following so you can get yourself back on track and leave that sense of despair and frustration behind
- How to dress, what to eat, and what to focus on so you feel comfortable in your body and confident in your eating
- The 5 things you must do to prevent future binges
- How to get off the diet train, so you don’t have to keep starting over on Monday
Think of this as your emergency set of reserve “gear” for when you’ve seemed to slip back into old patterns. Whether that’s a “raid-the-pantry-attack” after work, overindulging when you’ve gone out to eat with friends, or a solo, secretive binge that happened after what seemed like 3 perfect days of eating, this toolkit will be your support system and a resource so you can be gentle with yourself, not beat yourself up, and let it go.
Fall In Love With Your Body Meditation
If you spend all day loathing your body, hating what you see in the mirror and criticizing yourself in every outfit you put on, then this is your solution to fall madly in love with YOU.

Here’s what you will get:
- The simple mindset shift to develop your OWN self-confidence… so that green-eyed jealousy monster doesn’t rear it’s ugly head when you’re around women who weigh less than you
- 13 of the best affirmations for you to print out, carry with you, and use on a daily basis so that you can transform your subconscious thoughts to ones that serve you
- How to let go of that self-hatred and criticism of your body, so you can truly feel vibrant and beautiful in your own skin
- A guided meditation that will transform the way you see yourself – without changing a thing
Let Go Of The Scale 10 Day Challenge
Ready to end that obsessive love affair with the scale? You deserve to live your life free from constantly having to think about your weight and being a slave to the scale.

Here’s what you will get:
Ten days of mini-challenges, journal reflections, mindset shifts, and attitude adjustments so you can feel at ease in your body WITHOUT the scale
An understanding of how focusing on a number isn’t a concrete way to measure your “progress” (Hint: it will help you release your hold on obsessively focusing on that as your “success”)
Step by step guide that shows you how to let go of obsessing over a number and start ENJOYING your daily life
A new way to find value in yourself so you don’t get caught up in the pursuit of that “perfect” weight. (So weighing yourself doesn’t automatically ruin your day)
If thoughts of the scale consume you and weighing yourself instantly puts you in a bad mood, then this guided challenge will help you ditch the scale!

What Exactly Do I Get For The $19.95
Video Guidance To Get the Results You Want
PDF Workbook to Follow Your Progress & Stay On Track
Forever Access to Go at Your Own Pace
Built In Accountability To Make Sure You Don't Fall Off The Wagon Again
Who’s Behind This Toolkit & Why Should You Listen?

I’m Jenn Hand of
I’ve been exactly where you are and know exactly what you need to get stellar results in a short amount of time. I share my insights about overeating, letting go of dieting, and learning to love your body with 1000+ women on a weekly basis.
I’m the master at helping you end your relentless battle with food demons, your daily struggle with cravings, and your constant war binging. I’ll hold you by the hand and gently help you lose that extra weight once and for all (never to find it again…ever!) and it doesn’t require you to only eat celery + water or spend 76 hours on the ellipical at the gym!

Here’s What Others Are Saying…
As a result of this program, I have been able to relax my extremely stringent views around food without gaining an ounce. My husband and I just returned from our 2-week honeymoon in Italy. In addition to taking in all the sights, we REALLY enjoyed all of the food. I returned home completely satisfied with everything I ate, AND a couple of pounds lighter. Before this program, I would have spent the entire trip stressing about all the bread, pasta, pizza, and gelato, not even noticed what we saw or did, binged on the last couple days of the trip (because I hadn’t let myself eat anything up until that point), and gained 5 pounds as a result. But because of this program, I was able to fully enjoy one of my favorite things in the world—traveling to a new place and immersing myself in the culture.
Rebecca E, North Carolina
Thank you so much for everything. I have even dropped a jeans/clothes size without obsessing about it. I am going to continue to go back and read all of your advice- it provides such insight into my issues. It has been so great to work with you – it has really changed everything for the better.
Amelia, Kentucky
Last year my house was a big trigger and I totally gave into all the temptations. But this year is so different, and thanks to your advice, my family is even getting on the health wagon with me.
I finally think that I will be able to have the life I have always dreamed up, because I am open to receiving it and I know that it is possible and on it’s way.
Orsi, Canada