It is hard to let go of holiday food guilt.

We have it in our heads that we have to be really “good” around food.

But enter the holiday Trifecta of dessert overload and it can be challenging:

Halloween + Thanksgiving + December holidays = lots of sweets.

I went to visit my niece in Raleigh over Halloween and had a few too many Reese’s pumpkins.

Because I was a bit hungry and hadn’t had enough dinner before we went trick-or-treating, I ended up eating more than I had “planned” in my mind.

I started feeling guilty, caught myself and channeled the 3 tips I’m talking about in the podcast today.

It’s easy to get down on yourself when you’ve gone “off” whatever it is you think you should have eaten.

But keep these 3 tips in mind to help you let go of holiday food guilt that comes up!

There’s also another way to look at approaching Thanksgiving, with the “Thanksgiving Challenge” post I wrote a few years ago here. 

Also if you struggle to say to the food peddlers or the extra pie, check out the 4 Tips to Say No To Extra Food This Holiday blog post  here!

And if you need some gratitude support? Brene Brown has some good thoughts on that 🙂