A woman emailed me to say she was struggling:

“I’m having a hard time letting go of adhering to a program or following some sort of rule; I use dieting as a security blanket.”

I have never heard dieting explained this way and I thought it was absolutely something we needed to explore!

Why is dieting so hard to let go of?

Because it can be safe, familiar and our security blanket.

We default back into it even when we know it doesn’t serve us.

Or we’ll convince ourselves that we will do it “for a just a bit, until we lose the weight”.

Listen in to today’s podcast to hear more on dieting as a security blanket (and how to let go of it!)

We’ll explore reasons why we default and explore how to move out of it.

PS–I have a 5 day self-paced challenge on “How to Not Get Stuck in Diet Mentality and What To Do Instead” here if you need more support.