Ten DayIf there is one change over the years that’s brought huge shifts in my life, I would have to say it’s been my diligent effort to let go of my obsession with weighing myself.

I used to be a slave to the scale.

I weighed myself in the morning, after a big meal, after I worked out, after dinner, after anything really. What I saw on the scale dictated how I felt about myself, where I stood in comparison to others, and if I was “acceptable” enough to wear certain clothes.

My main theme=the lower the number, the better I somehow was. If I lost a pound, I was elated. If I gained a pound, I was crushed. It was an endless source of anguish and agony. I beat myself up over any change in my weight, which fueled my unhealthy cycle of dieting and binging.

When I finally let go of the scale, a new sense of freedom filled my life.

I began to explore how I felt IN my body.  I discovered more about what my body wanted and needed. I learned a new way of accepting myself and my body-one that didn’t rely on a number.

And that is why I created this 10-Day  “Let Go of the Scale” Challenge. Because I want that same sense of freedom for you and every other woman who struggles with the scale.


If you feel like a slave to hopping on the scale…

If you weigh yourself daily or multiple times per day…

If you fear not liking the number you see (or you see it and it ruins your day)…

If that number dictates how you feel about yourself …

If you are consumed with what you weigh…

Then I have an awesome FREE challenge for you:  The 10-Day “Let Go of the Scale” Challenge.

Find out more here.

Will you accept the challenge? We begin Monday, 7/28!