She embodies the notion of “becoming the change” that you want in your life. I strongly endorse Jenn Hand, and thank her for her service.
Jenn’s background, her achievements, and ideology really do exemplify excellence, and her actions mirror these principles as well.
Jenn is always thoughtful and compassionate with her students, and like any good teacher, she embodies the principles that she teaches. She’s consistent, grounded, wise, and happy to share what she’s learned, or help us clarify any of the subtleties that she’s been teaching our classes.
I use a few techniques that she has taught me on a daily basis.
She’s taught us that we can always return to the breath, any time that things seem a little out of control. I would also like to add a note that she is a much loved yoga teacher. In a short time, she has been able to put together a program that’s both challenging, but accessible to the group.
She embodies the notion of “becoming the change” that you want in your life. I strongly endorse Jenn Hand, and thank her for her service.
It feels amazing to have come so far. It is so peaceful and relaxing to let go, let my own life unfold in front of me and just enjoy the show. I can’t believe I’m not walking around feeling so heavy and my hating my body or myself anymore.
I never thought it would be possible but you helped me get here and it is wonderful. Thank you so much!
— Josie, Australia
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Schedule a 20-min CallBecause of you, I feel at peace with my food choices and 100x more comfortable in myself.
Before I signed up for coaching with you, I spent most of my days thinking about food. I was a chronic dieter and literally spent 30 years of my life trying everything under the sun to “fix” my food issues. It wasn’t until I met you and did this work that anything REALLY changed.
It wasn’t easy and yes–I WAS skeptical–but I wake up every day LIVING instead of being a shell of myself. I can now show my two daughters how to have a healthy relationship with food and my body and I can’t thank you enough. Because of you, I feel at peace with my food choices and 100x more comfortable in myself.
— Ann, USA
I had never really talked about my eating with anyone, let alone a complete stranger.
I was referred to Jenn through my doctor, and I was truly hesitant. I had never really talked about my eating with anyone, let alone a complete stranger. I stalked her for a while, watched a couple of videos and then made the bold decision to reach out.
I can’t even begin to tell you how much she has changed my life.
Her coaching calls were like talking to a friend, they were easy, encouraging and completely stress free. After my time with her ended, I found myself missing our talks, her supportive energy and sense of humor. So then I subscribed to her podcast and bought her book.
This path is not easy, it’s a journey with peaks and valleys but Jenn is definitely the person you want by your side!
— Aimee C.
I no longer go crazy about food, obsess over it, or binge.
Thank you so much for this program. I got so much out of it and truly learned a lot.
I no longer go crazy about food, obsess over it, or binge. (I overeat from time to time, but I haven’t binged in ages).
Thank you so much for all you do for us women; you’re so appreciated.
— Christal
Your program has given me the patience and self-love to realize that this is a long, difficult journey, and the quick fixes are not what emotional eating is about.
Since working with you, I have gained awareness of myself and food that’s been missing for years. For the first time in a long time, my day is not centered around food.
I am focusing on myself and what makes me happy. I feel free from the judgments that I put on myself and that I felt society put on me, that the only way that I am worth something is if I’m thin. This process made me finally realize that I am more than just the size of my jeans. I can say, without exaggeration, that it is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
I felt like there was finally someone who not only understood what I was going through but never, not once, made me feel ashamed of it.
Your program has given me the patience and self-love to realize that this is a long, difficult journey, and the quick fixes are not what emotional eating is about. These services made me realize that I deserve better than to spend my time obsessing over my weight, and I would recommend them to anyone who struggles with food the way I do.
You gave me my life back. I know that sounds dramatic, but it’s true.
Thank you for supporting me, respecting me, and giving me 100% to our work, even when I didn’t give it.
— Leslie
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Learn About Coaching!Finally, food has lost its power over me for the first time in over 20+ years. I am really learning to listen to my body and try to eat when I feel hungry.
I am doing really well. I recently gave up weighing, measuring, and counting calories.
This has been huge for me. It has freed my mind and spirit.
It has also taken away all urges to binge.
As a result, I have dropped a ton of weight (can tell by my clothes, other people’s comments and by just looking in the mirror). I now allow all foods—even those I used to binge on—in my house.
It’s funny—now that I have them, there is no urge to eat the whole bag of chocolate-covered cashews. I can have a few one day and none the next, and move on.
I have done this with so much food that it has finally lost its power over me for the first time in over 20+ years. I am really learning to listen to my body and try to eat when I feel hungry. I don’t worry if it is “healthy” or appropriate “dinner” food.
I also stopped reading every diet article on the internet. It’s funny—when I stopped focusing on how to lose weight, it actually started happening.
— Amelia
No guilt. No fretting. No stress. No overeating. I had a delicious and beautiful meal with my family.
We celebrated Mother’s Day yesterday because it worked better with everyone’s schedule. We went out to supper at a hotel. I looked at the menu and I chose the meal that sounded the most delicious to me. I didn’t think about calories, carbs, or what I had eaten earlier in the day.
I settled on the turkey dinner with all the fixings.
When our food was served, I was really hungry (I had eaten quite light earlier in the day). I made sure to eat what looked the yummiest to me first, so I wouldn’t feel deprived if I couldn’t finish the whole plate.
I took my time when I ate.
I checked in with fullness and satiety every few bites.
I set my fork down and sipped water.
I realized that I didn’t really like the stuffing at all (normally a favourite).
I left some stuffing and potatoes on my plate. No clean-plate club!
Then the waitress listed off the desserts and I got a piece of hot fudge brownie pie with ice cream and chocolate sauce. I ate and enjoy every single bite!
No guilt. No fretting. No stress. No overeating. I had a delicious and beautiful meal with my family.
— Nicole
Home is where we will be whole and happy with ourselves.
Waiting to board the first plane and fighting to choke back the tears.
I suddenly felt overwhelmed and blessed for the experience that you all provided me with. You are all without exception wonderful, strong, compassionate, and sensitive women, and I am so very grateful that you let this English muffin in your midst.
My journey home is ‘symbolic of course’ ahahah, we are all on our journey home. Home is where we will be whole and happy with ourselves.
— Alison S.
You have such a gift for listening and understanding my struggles. That in itself is such a relief.
I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate EVERYTHING you do. I am so blessed to have met you. I feel so comfortable talking to you and sharing the most deepest thoughts with you about food and body.
You have such a gift for listening and understanding my struggles. That in itself is such a relief.
I woke up this morning and did the 4 seconds breathing technique. My goals for today is get back into the swing of pairing my meals with protein and taking the time to connect with my food- along with hearing my body and how “she” responds to the foods I’m giving her.
Have a great day!
— Lisa
Again thank you so much for reaching out and staying connected- that is so reassuring for me ❤️❤️ 🙏🙏🙏
Again thank you so much for reaching out and staying connected – that is so reassuring for me ♥️♥️ 🙏🙏🙏
You are an amazing person and I am so – SO grateful I found you!
Speak soon 🙂 have a wonderful weekend and thanks for doing what you do!!!
— Lisa
I DEFINITELY think/obsess about food less.
I thought it would be helpful to share my experiences with the Normal Eater’s Club as some of you may be on the fence about joining and want some more info.
When I joined the Normal Eater’s Club, I honestly can’t remember if I did a challenge or just tumbled across it, but I know that when I found it everything Jenn said resonated with me… in that deep, deep part of my me where I know things are RIGHT!
I decided that I have easily spent $25/month on WW, nutritionists, and other diet plans (some a heck of a lot more than $25/month) – so I thought, maybe I can try this and see how it feels.
So here I am now – and I love the NEC. Not only do I love the program that Jenn has designed, but I find that the daily interaction with the NEC keeps me on the right path and moving forward in my journey.
I see other women’s growth and am inspired; I have women to share my own mini-successes with; and I have a tribe of women that truly understand what I am going through and what I am trying to do, and they happily motivate me and share their experiences and wisdom.
I DEFINITELY binge less since I joined and I DEFINITELY think/obsess about food less, so I will continue with the NEC because so far it is WORKING! Feel free to ask me any questions.
— Nadine
Eating is becoming a pleasure rather than a trial and, more significantly, life has improved in many other ways now that time and energy has been released from former dieting.
I agree with what Nadine says about The Normal Eaters Club! I have been there for 11 months and have gained in many ways.
I have learned to let go of losing weight as my main goal in life and am so much better for it in a myriad of ways.
Eating is becoming a pleasure rather than a trial and, more significantly, life has improved in many other ways now that time and energy have been released from former dieting.
I feel that I am free to be myself, not merely the number on the scale or my physical appearance.
The NEC, with its website full of helpful lessons and videos, its secret (the privacy is important to me) fb page and Jenn’s guidance, has allowed me to make progress without ever feeling judged or inadequate. It’s all very different from the worlds of WeightWatchers, Slimming World, and Jenny Craig, with the fear, shame, and embarrassment. I f it were a hotel, I would give it ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ +++++ 😀
Well worth checking in to!
— Pene
The NEC has taught me that I am normal. I am normal. I am not a mistake. I am not and issue. I’m not a sum of my failures. I am not weak.
I’ve been waiting until the last minute to post because that’s how I made my initial decision to join… I waited until the last possible moment and tried every possible excuse to keep myself from saying YES.. but I am so grateful I finally had the courage to say yes and I encourage you to do the same.
I have struggled my whole life with self love and acceptance and eating has always been my “safe’’ place and my escape. The NEC has taught me that I am normal. I am normal. I am not a mistake. I am not and issue. I’m not a sum of my failures. I am not weak.
It has helped me identify my triggers and gently guide myself to finding love for me again.
I have experienced an increase in confidence and knowledge about myself that has helped me beyond the monthly membership. I have tried every diet and paid for every program and for me, none have made me feel so loved and special as the NEC. These women have become friends. They are patient with me. They don’t rush my experience. They ensure me that I AM ENOUGH and that is priceless!
I’m so looking forward to our new members joining and am always here for questions and honest and sincere feedback.
If you are like me and you’ve been waiting until the last minute… your time is now! Don’t do it for anyone but YOU and believe that you are worth this and so much more!
Love and Blessings Beyond Comprehension to All!!!
— Mindy
But with a bit of awareness and support from the NEC group I can promise myself it will be lasting.
I have been part of Jenn’s group The Normal Eaters Club since its inception, so I have been working on my eating habits for a couple of years now.
No quick fixes available, I’m afraid! 🙂 And I struggle a lot with some things like throwing away the scales, not restricting and challenging my inner critic. One of the difficulties of this process is measuring progress – in the dieting world the scales loom large but that is not the case for normal eaters. Life has to be more than a number on a scale.
So I decided to give Jenn’s quiz a try out and I was astonished and pleased with my results: 50% Dive Deep Eater (stage 4) and 50% Normal Eater (Stage 5). I think that when I began a couple of years ago I would have have fallen 100% into Arrived Eater – possibly into a category of my own Not-Quite-Arrived-Eater – ad weight loss diets would still probably have caught my attention, and I knew my exact weight as it fluctuated from day to day. (Not a positive way to begin a day!)
This progress has taken place at a very stressful time for me and my husband and I believe we have coped better with what has been thrown at us because I wasn’t turning to food for comfort and stress relief as I used to do. I wont say its been easy because it hasn’t been, I wont say it happened overnight because it didn’t – those are promises (false ones! 🙂) that diet industry touts. But with a bit of awareness and support from the NEC group, I can promise myself it will be lasting.
— Penelope B.
I have made SO much progress with food, emotions, weight , bingeing, etc. I can’t tell you the last time I had a true “binge” I don’t sneak food from my husband and kids like I used to, and most importantly (to me), I got rid of my scale!
I love when you share the struggles and challenges that you have as well. 🙂 I know that everyone has ups and downs, but there’s always this little bit of me that thinks “phew. Its not just me.” Ha!
For anyone considering (or not considering!!) joining the NEC I HIGHLY recommend it! I’ve been part of the NEC for a little while and worked one-on-one with Jenn for a bit (which was SO far out of my comfort zone but was life-changing for me!).
Although I definitely still have ups and downs (weeks…months…ha!), as I look back at where I started at before working with Jenn, I have made SO much progress with food, emotions, weight , bingeing, etc. I can’t tell you the last time I had a true “binge” I don’t sneak food from my husband and kids like I used to, and most importantly (to me), I got rid of my scale!
— Tracy
I am beginning to feel like my self esteem is slowly improving despite my difficult circumstances. You are an inspiration
The support from the incredible women in this group has been the most amazing gift that I have ever received.
Without it, I would already have given up and continued to run in circles headless, dieting, losing weight, regaining it, and damaging my self-esteem day after day.
Thanks to you all, I am beginning to feel like my self-esteem is slowly improving despite my difficult circumstances. You are an inspiration. Thanks, Jenn, for bringing us all together.
— Alison
I feel like I have loads of sisters I can share anything with.
After I posted, I had a good cry and then realized how wonderful it is to have a supportive family here. I feel like I have loads of sisters I can share anything with.
Last night I overate. But today I went to the gym before breakfast to do body combat and that got me through lunch. Now I have a long dog walk that will get me through the evening meal.
I am going to get the kids to play board games with their grandpa; that is a great idea. Thank you, Suzanne! Tomorrow, go to the gym before breakfast and repeat! X love you, amazing women you give me such strength and courage.
— Karen
Before working with Jenn I would use food to distract myself from my emotions or from stress.
The biggest change after working with Jenn in my relationship with food is being in the driver’s seat versus in the passenger seat.
I am able to make choices and adjust my direction instead of being at the mercy of my emotions when it comes to food. Before working with Jenn I would use food to distract myself from my emotions or from stress and be unable to stop eating once I started.
I had a love/hate relationship with food and I did not see it as nourishment. I am able to view food as fuel and use it to energize me instead of using it as a coping mechanism.
I used to be a little afraid of food because it had such power over me. I enjoy eating now more and do not shy away from sweet or less healthy foods now.
In the past I did not feel like I was able to control my consumption so I restricted heavily which inevitably backfired into a binge.
I have gained so much body acceptance and love through my work with Jenn. My language and feelings toward my body have completely changed. I do not use negative words or criticize myself for how I look. I accept myself where I am and encourage myself to keep improving. I look at my body from a place of love and that has encouraged healthy behaviors and sustained progress.
Now, I turn inside and use the new tools I have to make myself feel better, safer, and more secure without food.
One of the biggest things that sticks out to me has been the change in language and self talk.
Jenn has taught me to self parent and speak to myself in a kind, nurturing way. She has a lot of great phrases like “pretty good is perfect” and “there is no failure, only feedback.”
We did a ton of lessons and explorations together to really find the phrases that work for me. I have learned to manage stress and challenges with healthy habits and not food.
The stress and hardships of life will always be there, but through my work with Jenn I am not turning to food to help me.
Now, I turn inside and use the new tools I have to make myself feel better, safer, and more secure without food. I have confidence now that I have never had before. With Jenn I have cultivated this trust in myself that feels amazing.
This was the best investment in myself and I am forever grateful for Jenn.
I have tried everything imaginable to stop binging over the last 20 years.
I did courses, books, videos, hypnosis, and other therapies. Jenn has created a program that is so well done and comprehensive that it doesn’t miss a thing. She is incredibly intuitive and gets to know you so she can help you in the most custom fit way possible. She has endless resources to assist you on your journey.
Because her programs last months and not weeks you don’t have to feel rushed during the healing process.
Don’t waste another day of your life moving in a direction you aren’t proud of when you can have a coach who can teach you a new and better way. Any time I ever wanted to truly get better at something I hired a coach and trusted the process.
This was the best investment in myself and I am forever grateful for Jenn.