Are You…

Feeling exhausted from the fight, overwhelmed from trying a million and one solutions, and hopeless that nothing will actually work to “fix” your food issues?

Wondering if there is something “wrong” with you because you know what to do (you could recite the calories in everything and know the points value to every dessert!) but just can’t seem to stick to ANYTHING for more than a day or two?
If your answer is Yes, then you’ve landed in the right place.
On the outside, you’ve got a great life. But on the inside, you’re miserable and can’t seem to figure out this “tiny” food thing.
What if I told you that coaching could change all of that?
Working 1:1 with a woman who had been in my shoes was the single best decision I have ever made. I am a completely different person now. I never knew I had “food issues”. I lived so deeply entrenched in the “binge-until-you-can’t-move” then “start -over-and-swear-it’ll-never-happen-again” cycle that I wasn’t even aware that what I was doing wasn’t normal!
1:1 work changed my entire life.
I went from a deep, utter feeling of failure and despair to living my life FREE from the obsessive grasp of thinking about food 24/7. This change did not happen overnight. But having 1:1 support can take years off your learning curve and get you there years faster than doing it on your own.
I am forever grateful…
I am forever grateful to have found someone who had been in my shoes (she ate in secret like I had, picked food out of the trash that she swore she wouldn’t eat, had done every diet/cleanse/fast/food program under the sun, and lived in the compulsive grasp of food…just like me!)
She understood me at a deep level and helped sift through all of my ”stuff” to create changes that lasted…changes that took me from living my life in a food prison to feeling like I was finally free from the shackles of food obsession.
And this is what I want to offer to you…to be that person who has been where you are and can lead you through the darkness, the chaos, and the misery to living a life filled with joy, happiness, and self-love.
1:1 work helps you dive deeper into the food AND what’s behind the food!
(Which is what helps you create the change the lasts your entire life)
Skeptical that this will work for YOU?
Hear Josie’s Story…
And hear where Meredith is now…
I finally feel like one of those people who doesn’t obsess over food all the time. Sure, I have my moments (don’t we all), but it’s not the focus like it once was in my life. I am becoming a ‘normal’ eater. I eat when I’m hungry and I eat what I want.
Sometimes that means junk food or too much sugar or super healthy greens smoothies, but I don’t judge myself based on it. And I don’t obsess over it. I move on with my life. I’ve been able to uncouple my food choices = my worth as a person. This is what I was hoping for and feels like a HUGE win.
How It Works
(3 and 6 month Packages)
3 or 6 Months Together
We’ll work together for 3 or 6 months. During our Discovery Call, I’ll recommend what option would be most beneficial to you. I’ve found that 3 months is the minimum time required to truly begin to create deep lasting change. The reality is that we spend years in the dieting/binge cycle and it is not an overnight fix. Our time together will give us the space to go DEEP and create lasting change (so you DON’T have to obsess over food 24/7 and start over all the time!)
Special deals and bonus content
As a 1:1 client, you’ll get 3 free months to The Normal Eaters Club (with 45+ lessons and resources!), access to my Holistic Weight Loss Course, the break free from emotional eating and overeating challenges, and Healing From Within (this is no longer offered to anyone but my 1:1 clients).
Weekly Sessions
We’ll talk weekly for 45-60 minutes. These 12 sessions (24 for 6 months) are tailored to you. You’ll get specific guidance on where you’re struggling and what’s holding you back. Each session, you’ll shift out of old patterns and create new habits that better serve you.
24/7 Personal Support
In the premium option, you have access to me via email whenever you need extra support. You’ll be able to work through an issue, a binge, a diet struggle, a social situation, etc in the moment you need it most.
You won’t have to wait a week until our next session. When you’re able to work through struggles in the moment, your progress happens much faster.
Session Recaps & Tailored “Homework”
In the premium package, you’ll get a recap after each session. This enables you to have a step by step guide to look back on when we finish our time together. Each week, you’ll get “take it deeper” assignments for you to work on in between sessions.
These tasks help you integrate what we discuss on our calls. This is where behaviors and patterns really begin to change…you’ll be eating every day, so you’ll have lots of opportunities to practice what we talk about each week!
Want to chat about how to overcome emotional eating and bingeing?
The Benefits Of Coaching
1:1 Support Moves You Forward Faster
Coaching can take years off your learning curve. We go deep into the root causes of where and why you struggle. This isn’t a temporary solution; this is a solution that lasts a lifetime. If you want to move forward faster, then coaching is for you.
24/7 inspiration and support.
It’s easy to feel like you’re making progress on good days, but it’s much harder to stay on this path when you’re struggling and want to give up. This coaching is designed to help you stay accountable (so that you don’t feel like you’re always starting back at square one!)
Resources to use in your daily life
Many of these concepts can be confusing (HOW do I trust my body? SHOULD I listen if all I want is sugar? What does “eat what you want” even mean? What if I gain weight (or don’t lose weight?) You’ll get access to all my lessons, videos, and materials to learn HOW to use these concepts in your daily life.
Feel supported in the moments you need it most (so you continue to make consistent progress!)
When you find yourself “in trouble” and you’re having a bad day, discouraged by your lack of progress, you’ll get support, guidance, and other options to explore to “get back on track” (so you don’t backslide and stay there!)
You don’t have to go at this alone!
One of the hardest parts of this journey is having to bear the weight of the food and body struggle on your own. With 1:1 coaching, you’ll finally get the support you need 24/7 so that you have somewhere to turn in your darkest moments AND make the progress you’re meant to to fully LIVE (and not just exist).
Get clarity on where you’re stuck.
Since I’ve lived this journey myself, my superpower is to take your confusion and frustration (and mental/emotional swirls) to help you make sense of what’s holding you back, so you know what to do differently in the future. (AKA no more stuck-ness!)
Some of the Topics We Will Cover Together:
- Rebalancing Your Body
- Letting Go of The Diet Mentality
- Getting Out of The Binge/Restrict Cycle
- Acceptance, Self-Love & Body Image
- Learning How to Feel Your Feelings
- All Things EMOTIONS! (Letting Go of Emotional Eating)
- Hunger/Fullness & Listening to Your Body
- Letting Go of Perfectionism
- Self-Care & Nourishment
- Finding Connection (Letting Go Eating To Fill An Emptiness)
- As so much more…!
Interested In Working Together?
Please click the “Schedule A Session” button to book a 20 minute Discovery Call!
I use these calls to hear your story, explore what’s keeping you stuck and see how I can best support you!
Client Testimonials
Because of you, I feel at peace with my food choices and 100x more comfortable in myself.
Before I signed up for coaching with you, I spent most of my days thinking about food. I was a chronic dieter and literally spent 30 years of my life trying everything under the sun to “fix” my food issues. It wasn’t until I met you and did this work that anything REALLY changed.
It wasn’t easy and yes–I WAS skeptical–but I wake up every day LIVING instead of being a shell of myself. I can now show my two daughters how to have a healthy relationship with food and my body and I can’t thank you enough. Because of you, I feel at peace with my food choices and 100x more comfortable in myself.
Since working with you, I have gained awareness of myself and food that’s been missing for years. For the first time in a long time, my day is not centered around food.
I am focusing on myself and what makes me happy. I feel free from the judgments that I put on myself and that I felt society put on me, that the only way that I am worth something is if I’m thin. I can say, without exaggeration, that it is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
I felt like there was finally someone who not only understood what I was going through but never, not once, made me feel ashamed of it.
You gave me my life back. I know that sounds dramatic, but it’s true.
Thank you for supporting me, respecting me, and giving me 100% to our work, even when I didn’t give it.
3 Months Begins Here
3 Months Personalized Coaching- 12 Personal Coaching Sessions: 4 per month (Valued at $2,100)
- Online Course: Healing From Within access that will supplement our sessions (Valued at $497)
- The Normal Eaters Club: 3 month’s free access to the program, group coaching call recordings and 45+ lessons (Valued at $497)
3 Months Personalized Coaching- 12 Personal Coaching Sessions: 4 per month (Valued at $2,100)
- Online Course: Healing From Within access that will supplement our sessions (Valued at $497)
- The Normal Eaters Club: 3 month’s free access to the program, group coaching call recordings and 45+ lessons (Valued at $497)
- Detailed Recap of Each Session: what we talked about and tailored assignments/exercises to focus on each week (Valued at $450)
- Unlimited email support in between sessions: (Valued at $550)
6 Months Begins Here
6 Months Personalized Coaching- 24 Personal Coaching Sessions: 4 per month (Valued at $4,200)
- Online Course: Healing From Within access that will supplement our sessions (Valued at $497)
- The Normal Eaters Club: 3 month’s free access to the program, group coaching call recordings and 45+ lessons (Valued at $497)
6 Months Personalized Coaching- 24 Personal Coaching Sessions: 4 per month (Valued at $4,200)
- Online Course: Healing From Within access that will supplement our sessions (Valued at $497)
- The Normal Eaters Club: 3 month’s free access to the program, group coaching call recordings and 45+ lessons (Valued at $497)
- Detailed Recap of Each Session: what we talked about and tailored assignments/exercises to focus on each week (Valued at $450)
- Unlimited email support in between sessions: (Valued at $550)
How is this different than other coaching or therapy?
Think of this coaching as a deep dive intensive that looks forward to create change. We meet weekly and I tailor the experience to what YOU are struggling with. I only take on a limited number of clients each month, so you’ll get 110% of my focus. You’ll have the option of unlimited email, which provides extra support to help you in the moment you are struggling.
You have my commitment to YOUR progress to ensure that you get all the help you need. While therapy dives deep into past trauma, coaching looks forward. Yes, we’ll talk about your past, but our focus is on how you can shift out of your patterns and break the habits that are keeping you stuck.
My coaching is unlike other coaching. You’ll experience a guided program (we will talk about the 8 main themes that women typically struggle with) to give some focus, yet it’s flexible enough to work on exactly what is keeping you stuck.
This is a holistic approach: we will dive into the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual components of this issue. That is the only way to find lasting healing: through looking at all 4 prongs of this and addressing each of them.
What is the difference between the 3 and 6 month option?
The program will be relatively the same, with the 6 month option being for those who need deeper, longer support. Working together for at least 3 months is the timeframe I’ve found to offer a deeper, more supportive exploration that focuses on multiple topics for lasting change. During the Discovery Call, I will get a sense of what’s right for you 🙂
Why does the 6 month plan cost less per month?
For those looking for a longer term commitment, this option offers a lower monthly payment for the commitment to work together for 6 months.
Typically in our Discovery call, I like to get a sense of your story, where you’re struggling, and how I can best support you. I will recommend a timeframe in which I think you’ll benefit the most from coaching to get where you want to be 🙂
Will I lose weight during these 3-6 months?
You may lose weight and you may not. Some women I’ve worked with have lost weight. Others have stayed where they are. It depends on where you are in your journey and about a thousand other factors (metabolism, life situation, listening to hunger/fullness cues, biology, stress, etc). It also depends on what you want to work on!
Some women dive deeply into emotional eating. Others focus on stopping bingeing/overeating. Other women want to focus on holistic weight loss. Weight will inevitably come up since it’s part of why we diet, so we’ll go much deeper into these thoughts and beliefs around weight (including learning how to accept your body, enjoying food, listening to your body, letting go of perfectionism, rebalancing your body’s natural weight if that applies to you, and more).
Will this work for me?
I firmly stand in my knowing that every woman (no matter how deep these issues run) can find freedom around food. Please note, though, that this process does require “work”. This program is not a magic pill that you will swallow and come out “healed”. I wish it were that easy! It will require a lot of self-exploration, honesty, and healing emotional wounds.
Coaching isn’t for the faint of heart. It requires commitment, vulnerability, and a willingness to step outside your comfort zone. ***The payoff for this work, though is pure, unbridled FREEDOM, more confidence in yourself, acceptance and self-love, letting go of binging, and enjoying your life, your family, and most importantly…YOURSELF! If you feel skeptical, that’s normal. Hop on a 20 minute call and we can talk through it 🙂
Do you work with men?
Yes! I’ve had more and more men reach out. to me over the years. I’ve worked 1:1 with men and invite you to schedule a discovery call if you are interested.
Client Testimonials
“”I just wanted to write you to say how different I feel about food, eating and even myself after just one group call. During the call, I had such a huge mindset shift. I feel so free and light around food. Since the call, I have been very neutral and even keeled about food and eating. When I pause to think about this shift, I feel euphoric. I can’t believe how my relationship with food has already changed so much!
“I could not have come this far without you. I look at life differently. My priorities are different now. My family is more important, some of my relationships are more important (and others a little less). I’m excited to see the path that my life takes with the changes that I’ve already make.
I thought this journey was going to be all about me and my food choices. But so much more beyond food was brought to light. Honestly and truly, I think my marriage is better because of it (who knew THAT would be a side effect to this program lol). I know that I am not the same person that I was 3 months ago…and that’s all because of you!”
“I finally feel like one of those people who doesn’t obsess over food all the time. Sure, I have my moments (don’t we all), but it’s not the focus like it once was in my life. I am becoming a ‘normal’ eater. I eat when I’m hungry and I eat what I want.
Sometimes that means junk food or too much sugar or super healthy greens smoothies, but I don’t judge myself based on it. And I don’t obsess over it. I move on with my life. I’ve been able to uncouple my food choices = my worth as a person. This is what I was hoping for and feels like a HUGE win.”
Hi Jenn,
I am doing really well. I recently gave up weighing, measuring, & couting calories. This has been huge for me.. it has freed my mind and spirit. It has also taken away all urges to binge.
As a result, I have dropped a ton of weight (can tell by my clothes and peoples comments, and just by looking in the mirror). I now allow all foods – even those I used to binge on- in my house. It’s funny – now that I can have them, there is no urge to eat the whole bag of chocolate covered cashews,…I can have a few one day and none the next, and move on. They are not occupying my every thought.
I have done this with so many foods and finally food has lost its power over me for the firs time in over 20+ years. I am really learning to listen to my body and trying to eat when I feel hungry. I don’t worry if it is “healthy” or an appropriate “dinner” food.
I also stopped reading every diet article on the internet. it’s funny – when I stopped focusing on how to lose weight, it actually started happening. Your individual coaching helped me tremendously.
“I’ve tried every diet, read every book, and started every program that ever promised to help me stop bingeing. The first one to “work”? Jenn’s programs. Her approach is refreshing, her method is spot on. Do yourself a favor–drop what you’re doing immediately and sign up for whatever she is offering!”
-Sandy W. USA
“I was referred to Jenn through my Doctor and I was truly hesitant. I had never really talked about my eating with anyone, let alone a complete stranger. I stalked her for a while, watched a couple of videos and then made the bold decision to reach out. I can’t even begin to tell you how much she has changed my life.
Her coaching calls were like talking to a friend, they were easy, encouraging and completely stress free. After my time with her ended, I found myself missing our talks, her supportive energy and sense of humor. So then I subscribed to her podcast and bought her book. This path is not easy, it’s a journey with peaks and valleys but Jenn is definitely the person you want by your side!”
-Aimee C. USA
“I’ve done every diet, read every book, signed up for every program. I stumbled upon Jenn online but at that point, had turned into a skeptic. Nothing had actually worked for me. The more I read Jenn’s blog and listened to her podcast, the more I realized “wow, this lady can actually help me”! I’ve done Jenn’s courses and challenges, and each one helps me more than the last.
Without even focusing too much on weight, I’ve gone down a size. It happened…well naturally. Without obsessing over it. Jenn’s approach is a diamond in the rough–she’s real, knows her sh*t and she has an answer to any question I’ve ever been stuck on. My recommendation? Buy whatever she is offering and your life will be forever changed.”
-Carla W. Australia

Jenn Hand
Women's Health Coach
Jenn Hand inspires over 8000+ women each week to end their relentless battle with food demons, daily struggle with cravings and constant war with binging. She is a regular contributor to MindBodyGreen & The Huffington Post and has written for Tiny Buddha, Thought Catalog, Elephant Journal and other publications.
She’s a certified nutritionist and a Duke University trained integrative health coach. Body confidence and acceptance? Freedom around food? She’ll help you gently, lovingly, and supportively find the freedom you’ve been seeking.
Interested In Working Together?
Please click the “Schedule A Session” button to book a 20 minute Discovery Call!
I use these calls to hear your story, explore what’s keeping you stuck and see how I can best support you!
** Please note that coaching is not for everyone. This requires courage, vulnerability and commitment. The results you get are incredible, but it is directly tied to what you put into the program. I give 110% to each woman I work with, but ultimately, diving in is up to you. If this sounds like you want to jump in, I cannot wait to take you down the path to freedom!