As I was proofing the final version of my book (due out on March 12th!), I was also reflecting on my own journey.

Writing the book had me revisiting a lot of personal stories and struggles. (I’m sharing it all in the book!)

I was thinking of the 21 year old me, the me who bought every diet under the sun, who purchased probably 100 bottles of diet pills over 5 years, who tried every cleanse, pill, remedy, and “solution” that promised weight loss…

…and it got me reflecting about what the diet industry doesn’t want us to know.

Because the truth is: the weight loss industry is a 20 BILLION dollar a year industry. So they must have something that keeps people coming back, right?

Here’s what I wish the 21 year old me had known about the diet industry secrets (which probably would have saved me $10,000 worth of buying diet plans/pills/programs!)