I gave the author proof of my book to exactly 6 people.

One to my editor for grammar, to my designer for graphics, and to my mom for a final proof read (she was an English teacher).

And the 3 others, I gave to local women I know to get feedback.

Their responses were incredible.

I had no idea people would resonate so deeply with my stories.

(I was/am slightly terrified FOR people to read my stories–it feels like my soul is on display for the world!)

So here is your final sneak peek of How to Be a Normal Eater: Finally Make Peace with Food and Live a Life Free from Dieting! ???????

(And I hope you’ll join us for the Virtual Book Release Party at 8 pm eastern time on the 12th. More info here)

Here are some of my favorite snippets 🙂

“It is NOT about having more willpower. It is truly about rebalancing your body and letting go of all the behaviors that no longer serve you. It is about going deeper into the healing process–physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually–so that it’s natural and effortless to let go of the patterns, thoughts, and habits that hinder your progress.”

“It’s important to know that you can’t just stop overeating without replacing it with something else. New habits must replace old ones; a substitution must replace the role that food once filled. So, when you’re reaching out and desperately looking for something to eat, ask yourself, what do you want instead? Affection? Connection? Comfort? Fifteen minutes to zone out?”

“There is no right way to “hear” fullness. There is no right path to expressing emotions. There is no right way to take care of yourself. There is no right way to love your body. Each obstacle on our path is a lesson in finding YOUR “right” way.”

“Remember that perfection is a myth. No one is meant to be perfect in any area of life–whether it’s eating, relationships, personal growth, healthy habits, your career, and so on. In a “perfect” world, everything is stagnant. There is no growth and no evolution.”

“We’ve grown up believing that surrendering means giving up. It’s a sign of weakness and laziness. But surrendering is a sign of strength. When we let go and trust that the process is unfolding exactly as it’s meant to be, we can let go of carrying this weight on our shoulders. We don’t have to micromanage the process and control every single piece of food we put into our mouths. Instead, see where you can let go just a little bit. Don’t resist and battle, resolving to handle everything on your own. Remember that surrender allows you to create the space for freedom and peace.”

“Shifting away from criticism and toward appreciation, we recognize our bodies for all the wondrous things they do for us. Our thoughts about our bodies become more compassionate and we see that physical transformation is only one aspect of our lives.”

“We are each born with an innate wisdom. You can trust it. It may take time to hear that wisdom, but it’s worth the work it takes to get there. Because you can rely on that wisdom for the rest of your life.”

Want to read all of the stories, tips, lessons and ways to help YOU find your normal? Mark your calendar for March 12th! 🙂