This whole finding “normalcy” around food is a doozy sometimes.

It’ s like you think you got it…

You have a really good few days of no binging, eating healthy, and trying to listen to your body and then BAM…something happens and you’re off track again.

Doesn’t this journey kinda feel like you’re lost in another country, you don’t speak the language, and you’re trying to find your way around with a map? That is exactly how I felt (both literally…because I was traveling abroad and had this happen to me, and metaphorically with my eating 🙂 )

I spent so much time on my journey feeling frustrated and wanting to just throw in the towel.

I’d think “yea, ok, other people may have gotten it, but maybe this is just an issue I’ll have forever”. Because…it was HARD. 

But hard doesn’t mean that you are off track. In this case, it probably means you’re on the right track 🙂

There are 4 things you need to remind yourself again and again on this journey. Even if you’re in a good place now, even if you feel like you’ve gotten a lot of healing under your belt, what happens when something triggers you? If you end up backsliding, is it going to derail your progress completely?

Here are the 4 things to remember when you’re frustrated and want to give up on the whole “food thing”:

PS-Are you ready to take some big leaps forward on your own path? You don’t have to spend more months/days/weeks in frustration and wanting to give up. 1:1 Coaching is a way to fast track your progress and make some serious strides in your journey. I have 4 new client spots open and I’d love to chat with you to see if you are a good fit. You can contact me here to set up a time to chat!