Is your to-do list too long?

When we get so wrapped up in our to-do’s, life can become a series of never-ending things we need to check off our lists. It’s impossible to get everything done and easy to get overwhelmed.

Here is what was on my “Things to Do Today” List:

(Note: I’m trying to pack 492093 things into my week before I leave for a vaca to St. Thomas-woohoo!)


  • Work tasks (17 to be exact)
  • 2 meetings (my opinion of meetings=pointless 90% of the time)
  • Stop at Target and Walgreens (stock up on toiletries)
  • Dentist appointment (why would I schedule this for the day before vacation? Good question…)
  • Create a packing list for vacation (can create another list be on a to-do list?)
  • Research St. Thomas activities (I have to be prepared with piles of activities to choose from)
  • Go to yoga (isn’t this supposed to NOT be a “to-do”?)
  • Phone meeting with lady who helps with my website (I may be her most tech-challenged client ever)
  • Order a tripod (Hello…Amazon Prime Free trial ends in 2 days!)
  • Write blog and create blog for next week (since I will off the grid and on vaca)
  • Submit 3 guest blog posts
  • Post blogs, automate email newsletter, finish a Business Course, look over coaching notes, and on and on….

What sane person can accomplish this all in one day?!?

So, I had a fabulous idea to use this theme as today’s blog topic.

This is for you, for me, and for every other person who gets overwhelmed thinking about the 9 hundred things they need to accomplish in a day….


One, long slow deep breath in. And one equally long, slow breath out. Close your eyes and repeat as necessary.

Seem too simple? I know. But trust me, it works.

We go so fast that we forget to pause throughout our day and actually enjoy what we are doing. This is where breathing comes in.

Your breath can truly be transformational. It is the breath that allows you to get out of your mind, out of your thoughts, and connect with that still sense of “ahhhh” within you.  The place of silence, of intuition, of tapping into something bigger than yourself.

Your breath brings more space and openness into your days. It makes room for enjoyment and presence.

All this by just pausing to be aware of our breathing! So why don’t we do it more often?? Because it is so easy to forget, get caught up in what we have to do, and just power through our days.

So, next time you are overwhelmed juggling the to-do’s of the day, the things you need to do by the weekend, and the endless items you want to check off your list, take a deep breath and just BE (I am REALLY going to try to practice this on vacation-you can hold me accountable 🙂 )

Relax into the knowing that when you connect to your breath, it is the key to taking you deeper within to a calming place of peace.

It brings you back into your body. And out of the stress and overwhelm, and into a more centered, grounded place.

And don’t you think we all can use a little more of that?

How are you incorporating breath in your day today? No more checking off to-do’s (ok you can, but just breathe first!) Share your moments of presence here 🙂