Sometimes on this path it can feel like you’re trying hard to make change happen–and nothing seems to be happening.

I look back and feel like SO much of my struggle was wondering why I wasn’t further along.

“They” said if I could just follow this plan, cut out these carbs, refrain from all sugar, it would all click.

“They” said if I followed all of their rules, I would lose the weight, stop the binge, and like what I saw in the mirror.

I desperately tried to stick to all of it—trying hard to make change happen.

I did all of the things I was supposed to.

(And spent thousands upon thousands of dollars trying)

The result?

Me banging my head against a wall, wondering why nothing changed.

Fast forward 10 years.

It’s 2015 and I started a business.

“They” said if I just follow this formula, create this type of product, market in this type of way, it would all click.

“They” said if I just built an Instagram following, created a Youtube channel, did a podcast, I’d achieve “success”.

I did all of the things they told me to.

(And spent thousands upon thousands of dollars trying)

And the result?

I don’t have the thing I so desperately want.

Have you ever tried so damn hard to make something happen?

Maybe it’s around food, body or weight. Or maybe it’s in your career or relationship.

Whatever it is, I’m sharing more on this topic in today’s podcast.

Tune in here:

(PS–Break Free from Emotional Eating challenge starts in April 2021! Info is here. )