Wanna hear two insanely staggering numbers?

$60 Billion

The annual revenue of the US weight loss industry, including diet books, diet drugs, and weight loss surgeries. 

(Source: US News)

108 Million

The number of people on diets in the US. Dieters typically make 4-5 attempts per year. 

(Source: ABC News)

Holy crapola!

Yes, you read those numbers right.

Americans spend $60 billion PER YEAR trying to lose weight. That. Is. Insanity. And that’s just in the US and not even counting other countries! (or maybe us Americans are just way more vain and obsessed with our appearances 🙂 )

108 MILLION DIETERS. Million. Ok, that’s like 1/3 of the entire population of the United States. Also INSANITY.


The thing is, we are living in this crazy ironic paradox. Because as a human living in the world today, we know more about nutrition, food, fitness, and health than any society or culture that has ever lived. Ever.

Do you think Christopher Columbus arrived in America in 1492 and immediately began searching for fat-free salad dressing, gluten-free crackers, and non genetically modified produce? Nope. It’s safe to say he was waaaay more focused on other things (like discovering a new world… 🙂 )

And yet…at the same time that we know so much about nutrition and health, we are living in a time where we have broken the records for highest obesity rates over and over again.

And to distill it down on a more personal level…it AMAZES me just how  many women struggle with binging, overeating, inhaling food til their jean buttons pop…and then swear to restrict, diet, exercise off that food, and cut calories until they are happy at their weight. This cycle has become how they live. (*raising my hand to say I’ve been guilty of this 345,298 times)

So, where are we going wrong here?

We spend BILLIONS of dollars on solutions, remedies, fixes, and cures.  And they don’t end up solving, remedying, fixing or curing anything.

Sure, the new “it thing” may work for awhile. You may end up losing that 20 pounds by going on a diet or cutting calories…

…but inevitably it comes back.

Because you didn’t actually get to the root of anything.

You see, the “solving” comes when you dig deeper and go below the surface.

The weight loss industry looks only at the surface. Diet Pills. Weight Watchers. Slim Fast. The “Get Fit in 10 Days” Book. It’s all advising you to “just do what I say and you’ll lose weight quickly and be happy”.

But it doesn’t address anything else.

Why are you coming home and finishing that tub of ice cream?

Why do you binge eat on the weekends? 

How do I lose weight if I don’t control my food? 

Why don’t you trust your body?

How do you learn to trust your body?

How do you know if you’ve had enough?

What does “enough” food look like?

How do I know if I’m even hungry?

All of these things must be addressed in order for weight to become a non-issue in your life. One that you don’t have to monitor or constantly obsess over all the time.

Trust me, I’ve spent thousands upon thousands of dollars trying to lose weight when I was in the throws of crazy, all-over-the-place eating.

  • I purchased diet pills almost 3x a month. ($240/month)
  • I invested in an Ayurveda detox retreat, weight-loss cleanses, detoxes, and herbal supplements that promised weight loss. ($5,000)
  • I bought book after book after book outlining new fad diets. ($2,000 or more!)
  • I made countless trips to the grocery store to buy the latest foods for the current diet I was on (upwards of $8,000 over my life)
  • I invested in a master’s degree in nutrition (that at the time, I thought would “cure” my disordered eating forever…$16,000)

That is a grand total of over $30,000.  (HOLY CRAP!) And that is probably vastly underestimating what I’ve spent.

(And actually when I think about spending that much money on losing weight, it leaves me speechless…I could totally use that 30K to put a freaking down payment on a house! Anyway…)

It was only when I started going DEEPER into my emotions, my beliefs, my thoughts, my behaviors, and my subconscious patterns….that’s when I started to heal.

I know how frustrating this whole food/weight thing can be.

I understand if you’ve tried for years and years, already spent thousands of dollars, bought every supplement under the sun, and invested in cleanse after detox after diet. It is exhausting and frustrating (and lonely!)

Even if you believe nothing can help you or that you’ll just have to deal with this forever, I want to introduce you to a new way. A different way.

A way that digs deeper to give you lasting results. So you don’t have to be caught in this endless cycle forever. And you can live with the FREEDOM of not obsessing over your weight and your body 24/7.

Join me for Healing From Within, an 8 week program that is guaranteed to change your life and get you lasting results. We start Monday 2/8/16.

Weight CAN become a “non-issue”.  Healing From Within will show you how. 
